Business and Property Directory

Millions of business records, owner and operator names, employee history, plus commercial and residential real estate records with ownership, sale history, tenant names and structural details.

Detailed Personal Data Collection

Current address, contact information, civil and criminal records on millions of people in your neighborhood and beyond. Includes professional records, social media profiles, employment histories and relative’s names.

Current Phone Listings

Mobile and landline telephone numbers for every person, business and property in the region. Find business and personal information for any phone owner with one simple search.

Get instant insight on any person, place or business across all of New England

Our information is updated every time an official public record is issued by the city, county or state that records it.

Find extensive information about the businesses and properties in your neighborhood

The business and property owners that dominate your region are important contributors to the local community.

Learn who lives and works around the corner, or where a business operates

Public records help you know your community better with accurate contact information and historical records.

I found some old friends that still live nearby. It was great to see where they are now and reconnect with them.

Amber Levin, New London, CT

NEF helped me understand my new sales territory in a matter of hours...

Christine Andreis, Durham, NH

With so many rental properties around me, I like to know who moved in next door.

Brent Snyder, Glenburn, ME

New England, the northeastern region of the United States, is known for its warm, neighborly residents. The region includes the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont and has a population of approximately 15,000,000 over a total land area of 72,000 square miles.

From sandy beaches to the Appalachian Mountains, from the cities of Boston, Burlington and Hartford to dense forests and interior waterways - the diverse culture and geography offers something for every type of person.

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