Streets in Holyoke, MA starting with S
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Street | Properties | Residents |
SAINT JAMES AVE | 61 | 379 |
SAINT JEROME AVE | 30 | 269 |
SAINT KOLBE DR | 69 | 644 |
SAMOSETT ST | 11 | 29 |
SARGEANT ST | 141 | 1,742 |
SCHOOL ST | 21 | 127 |
SCOTT HOLLOW DR | 24 | 123 |
SEQUOIA DR | 10 | 54 |
SHAWMUT AVE | 30 | 176 |
SHEEHAN DR | 45 | 190 |
SHEPARD DR | 14 | 60 |
SHERWOOD TER | 19 | 84 |
SKY VIEW TER | 10 | 43 |
SONOMA PL | 6 | 40 |
SOUTHAMPTON RD | 99 | 440 |
SOUTH ST | 127 | 1,255 |
SPRINGDALE AVE | 13 | 56 |
SPRING ST | 22 | 145 |
STANFORD ST | 9 | 45 |
STEBBINS ST | 4 | 9 |
STEIGER RD | 12 | 57 |
STERLING RD | 21 | 80 |
STEVEN DR | 9 | 42 |
STRATFORD RD | 6 | 27 |
SUFFOLK ST | 88 | 674 |
SULLIVAN RD | 7 | 118 |
SUMMER ST | 94 | 1,548 |
SUMMIT AVE | 11 | 22 |
SUNSET RD | 16 | 45 |
SUN VALLEY RD | 26 | 137 |
SUPERIOR AVE | 3 | 22 |
SYCAMORE ST | 74 | 305 |
SYDNEY AVE | 8 | 50 |
SYLVIA LN | 9 | 34 |