Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Christophe Albert
(617) 783-1904
Alexis A Antracoli, age 65
(617) 254-0741
Erica Anzalone, age 65
Crystal Augusta
(617) 783-0639
C Rask |
(617) 783-0639
David Bahia, age 42
#63 |
(617) 782-7729
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Gurcharan S Bahia, age 79
(617) 782-7729
C A Bartholomew, age 50 |
(617) 254-1851
Ellen M Singleton, age 80
(617) 254-1851
Jacqueline A Singleton, age 79
(617) 254-1851
Jacek P Bartoszewicki
#54 |
Chris J Bates, age 65
#26 |
(617) 562-4487
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Clade Beavais
#32 |
(617) 782-1931
Hal A Berkstresser, age 45
D P Bettencourt, age 50 |
(617) 562-6083
David A Bettencourt, age 50
#61 |
Colette E Blount
Ileana Bourland
(617) 783-8869
Chris Brolly, age 50
Erin Brown
#56 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
E Bryan |
(617) 779-8267
Brian Mccurley
(617) 779-8267
Christine M Bulger, age 53
(617) 254-8660
Jeff H Burke
Jen Burke
Jennifer Burke, age 44
Anthony J Burulcich, age 48
(617) 779-8884
Angela M Caggianelli
#31 |
Andre Calvaire, age 70
(617) 782-3652
Luis Castilla
#33 |
Occupation: Service Occupations
C Cho |
(617) 783-0306
Georgia L Churilla, age 50
Jennifer B Clinton, age 49
#52 |
Aaron Clodfelter
#62 |
Claire Connelly
#47 |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Amy Corbett, age 81
Cascia Corcoran, age 65
(617) 254-7931
F Corcoran, age 54 |
(617) 254-7931
Carmela A Daley, age 65
(617) 782-9024
Carmella Daley
#61 |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Hoa Van Dang
#41 |
Jeannie J Davis, age 48
B Demires |
(617) 787-3660
Chris Dennehey
#44 |
(617) 467-5903
Gina Desire, age 65
C Dimarzo #26 |
(617) 202-5134
Christopher R Dimarzo, age 65
#26 |
(617) 202-5134
Anthony Dimperio, age 56
Cornelius Driscoll, age 65
#22 |
C Dugan #27 |
(617) 787-1097
Christine Elizabeth Dugan
#27 |
(617) 787-1097
Cris Dugan
#27 |
(617) 787-1097
Cody Evans, age 47
#61 |
(617) 779-8270
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Jennifer K Ewing, age 46
(617) 562-0932
E Fagan |
(617) 254-0972
Edward White, age 52
(617) 254-0972
Evan Ferguson
(617) 783-8242
Casey Fox
#24 |
J Franske |
(617) 782-2932
Greg D Gibbons, age 44
(617) 254-5930
Carolyn J Lockhart, age 65
(617) 254-5930
Gregory Gibbons
#64 |
(617) 513-4693
Occupation: Technicians and Related Support Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Sean Gifford
#55 |
(617) 513-4729
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Danielle R Gobert, age 48
(617) 787-0781
Shaena Goldstein
#43 |
(617) 513-4594
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
A Greenshtat |
(617) 787-0919
Gilma Harrison, age 65
Brendan D Harvey, age 41
(617) 202-5171
David A Hatch
(617) 254-4276
Hans W Henkel
Jennifer Higgins, age 47
#44 |
(917) 224-0199 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Evan R Hope, age 44
(617) 783-3826
Evan Roberts, age 65
(617) 783-3826
Anthony D Imperio
(617) 787-1133
Andrea Juliano
Carol J Kanapka
B Kavlakli |
(617) 783-2676
Hemanda Khadri
(617) 254-0515
Hemanta Khatri, age 65
#57 |
Dena Krois, age 65
(617) 787-6310
Jari Kunkaew, age 60
Eileen Kurowski
(617) 208-8264
Ipek M Kutlu, age 47
Donna L Lapatin, age 77
Elizabeth A Larson, age 65
#66 |
(617) 783-5344
Ian Larson
#66 |
(617) 783-5344
David L Lassman, age 61
(703) 938-6453 |
Allyn L Levy
Brianna N Levy, age 38
#45 |
Jessica L Ley, age 50
#37 |
(617) 254-9461
Daniel Lind
#22 |
(617) 513-7670
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Barbara Littmann, age 59
(617) 782-9703
Guy Livnat, age 65
(617) 254-3810
Elizabeth M Loos, age 59
#65 |
(201) 974-1861 |
Elizabeth M Nolan, age 58
#65 |
(201) 974-1861 |
Gabriela F Lourenco, age 36
#25 |
Christina M Manzolini, age 115
E Mccann |
(617) 783-3345
Giacomo Mejia, age 65
Eli Melaas
(617) 202-5889
Jay Mendelsohn
(617) 254-4562
Thanhlan Nguyen
#67 |
(617) 529-3165
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Christopher Norton Norton
#35 |
Heather S Oconnor, age 65
Dourard Offre, age 65
Ahmet O Ozseferoglu
#21 |
Arsenio A Paez, age 83
#47 |
(617) 787-5691
Elizabeth M Paine
C A Paleoxaris |
(617) 254-1595
Madhuker R Pandey
#2 |
Birju J Patel
#66 |
Michael T Patterson, age 49
#34 |
Anabelle G Perez, age 48
#63 |
Annabelle Perez, age 79
(617) 779-8666
Boniface Pierre, age 79
(617) 789-4284
Geneva Powers, age 96
Daniel H Quigley, age 48
#22 |
(617) 787-9188
Allison Ritts
(617) 782-5310
Jason S Roeder, age 52
(617) 783-1375
Demian Sabini
(617) 787-2726
Adrienne Sacatos
(617) 903-3459
Apryl L Sahadi, age 54
(617) 254-2366
Jordan K Salmanowicz, age 64
#53 |
Cailin Sandvig
(617) 515-8993
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Holly A Schmid, age 46
#51 |
(617) 782-5645
Holly T Taylor
#51 |
(617) 782-5645
Jacob Schuller
(617) 787-5833
C Sciaroni |
(617) 783-8328
Christine A Sciaroni, age 49
(617) 783-8328
Gaurav Shah, age 65
(617) 783-8491
J Shah, age 80 |
(617) 787-4797
Jaya Shah, age 65
#23 |
(617) 787-4797
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
E Shrier |
(617) 783-4457
Dava Silvia
Dan Slattery
#46 |
(617) 903-4311
Herth Souto
(617) 782-5573
Jason Squinobal, age 65
#6 |
(617) 787-3367
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Paul Stefano
E J Suzan |
(617) 782-1758
Emanuel J Suzan, age 102
(617) 782-1758
Fresner Telfort, age 65
#42 |
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Gertrude L Telfort, age 90
Hung Q Tran, age 65
(617) 783-0491
C Twanow |
A Ullmann |
(617) 789-5848
Jonathan Vargosko
#4 |
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Al Venditti, age 65
Jean B Villefranche, age 65
Bao N Vo, age 65
(617) 787-8027
Baongoc N Vo, age 65
Heather G Walleston, age 47
Barbara Ward
#62 |
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Fen Wei
(617) 779-0778
Angel Wilbur
#63 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jeffrey Williamson
(617) 783-2766
Brian J Winner, age 50
(617) 782-6040
Jaben Wyneken, age 65
Bradford Yankus
(617) 254-7884
Brian Kenneth Zanghi, age 66
#1 |
Guangwei Zhou, age 58
Haiyan Zhou
Amine Zlaoui
#64 |