Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
B Adae |
(401) 254-1034
Brian F Adae, age 72
(401) 254-1034
Betty L Adae, age 96
(401) 396-9109
Amelia Adams, age 106
(401) 253-3853
David B Aguiar, age 90
#210 |
(401) 253-6072
Elizabeth F Aguiar, age 102
#101 |
(401) 253-5362
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
Elizabeth Aguiar
#218 |
(401) 253-5362
Aguiar Elizabeth
(401) 253-5362
Borges Alice
(401) 396-5177
A Borges |
(401) 396-5177
Geraldine Allaire
(401) 253-2032
E Amaral |
(401) 254-9607
Beverly Ash
(401) 396-5228
Albert Barrett
(401) 253-2938
Irene Bellenoit, age 85
#201 |
Therese D Bergeron, age 98
#320 |
Helen Bernier
(401) 368-2474
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Clarence H Bolinder
Betty B Borges, age 107
(401) 253-1918
C Botelho |
(401) 254-8943
Ema Brum
(401) 253-0306
Elizabeth Bryson
(401) 254-1168
Rita Burke
#222 |
(401) 339-6268
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Dennis C Cabral, age 58
(401) 254-0881
A Calderiso |
(401) 253-2518
Alice R Calderiso, age 95
(401) 253-2518
Domenic M Calderiso, age 98
(401) 253-2518
Harold Cardoza
#243 |
(401) 253-9182
Nancy A Castro, age 62
#307 |
I Cavallaro |
(401) 253-7812
J Champagne |
(401) 254-6064
Anna Chapen
(401) 396-9226
Josephine Cheshire, age 99
#303 |
(401) 253-3277
E Cicero |
(401) 253-2842
Albert R Cirillo
#344 |
(401) 253-7244
Alice Cirillo
#344 |
(401) 253-7244
Doris Clarke
(401) 254-3935
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Anna Conley, age 106
#230 |
(401) 254-3936
Carol L Cornman
(401) 253-1205
Adelia Corona
(401) 253-5485
J Cotta #301 |
(401) 253-9188
Janice L Mccarthy
#301 |
(401) 253-9188
Mary O Coupe, age 103
#336 |
(401) 253-8754
Darlene Crabbe
(401) 254-1633
Sylvia G Crepeau, age 92
#238 |
Eleanora Crook
#227 |
(401) 254-3920
Mary C Crossley, age 98
#245 |
Clara Davis
#317 |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Matthew Deleo
#304 |
(401) 339-7304
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Therese M Delisle, age 103
#328 |
(401) 253-2015
Gilda Demedeiros
(401) 254-1358
Rita Deming, age 103
#209 |
(401) 254-1044
Education: High school graduate or higher
Harold W Demopulos, age 101
#346 |
Fatima Dias
(401) 253-8357
Anna R Digati
(401) 253-7149
Richard Dolbashian
#321 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Angelo Donato
#240 |
(401) 368-3582
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Etta Donato
#240 |
(401) 263-8020
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Betty J Donovan, age 100
(401) 254-4253
G Dorsi |
(401) 254-0661
A Dymczynski #314 |
(401) 254-4212
Amelia D Dymczynski, age 100
#314 |
(401) 254-4212
Robert Etcheberry, age 94
#325 |
(401) 253-5394
Education: Associate degree or higher
Betsy Faulds
(401) 253-3043
Albert H Field, age 106
#216 |
(401) 253-4760
Daniel Freitas
(401) 253-7250
Adelard J Gadry
(401) 253-0565
A Gallogly #210 |
(401) 254-1632
Florence Gallogly
(401) 368-5190
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Ann M Gallotta, age 90
(401) 254-1183
Phylis B Gaudreau, age 82
#315 |
Domenic A Gilberto, age 104
(401) 253-0070
Dorothy M Girard, age 98
#208 |
(401) 247-7040
Earl C Gladue, age 71
#324 |
(401) 253-9524
H P Glennon |
(401) 253-9945
Elizabeth Griffen
(401) 253-6160
Helen T Guarniere, age 107
(401) 253-9291
Clifford Gustafson
#228 |
(401) 741-0411
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Elizabeth R Hagemann, age 104
(401) 253-2750
D Hall |
(401) 253-8242
Bertha Hazen
(401) 253-3033
Florence F Healy
#330 |
(401) 253-3291
Occupation: Service Occupations
Leonard Heaney
#215 |
(401) 368-6190
Occupation: Personal Care and Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Eunice Henritz
(401) 396-9329
Carol Holmes, age 92
#312 |
(401) 253-4082
Hilda G Hughes
#347 |
(401) 339-9178
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Barbara F Husband, age 71
(401) 396-9219
Anthony P Iasiello
(401) 253-7829
Dorothy F Iasiello, age 65
(401) 253-7829
I Iiams |
(401) 254-1937
C Letendre |
(401) 254-1937
Carol E Jones, age 99
#338 |
(802) 763-7985
Evelyn Jones, age 100
#212 |
(401) 437-1093
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Ida Kay
(401) 254-0319
Monica Kelly
#329 |
(401) 339-8179
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Benjamin E Kershner, age 106
Angela King, age 104
#318 |
(401) 253-3754
Donald J Kruppenbacher, age 90
#248 |
(401) 254-1699
Claire Lacerda
(401) 396-5266
Florella Laffan
(401) 272-4247
Occupation: Production Occupations
Kathryn Laforge
#300 |
(401) 253-9947
Albert A Laroche, age 97
(401) 253-3996
Julia Laroche
#205 |
(401) 253-8446
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Irma Letendre, age 101
#223 |
(401) 683-4675
Education: Associate degree or higher
Delores Limani
(401) 396-5170
Grace Logan
(401) 396-9927
Arthur Manchester, age 105
#341 |
(401) 253-8017
Erasmo Mancini
(401) 339-8868
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Francis Mancini, age 84
#314 |
(401) 253-7629
Education: High school graduate or higher
Andrea Martell
#214 |
(401) 253-2918
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Helena Martell
#214 |
(401) 253-2918
Yolande T Martin, age 91
#102 |
(401) 297-0552
D Masterson |
(401) 253-2692
Dorothy B Masterson, age 108
#241 |
(401) 253-2692
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
G T Mathon |
(401) 253-3237
Gertrude T Mathon
(401) 253-3237
I Mccann |
(401) 254-2334
Gertrude M Mccarthy, age 87
(401) 253-5446
Edwin Mcdermott
#203 |
(401) 421-7262
Occupation: Production Occupations
Alfreda A Mctigue
#302 |
(508) 798-2301
Occupation: Production Occupations
A Memmolo #244 |
(401) 253-5967
Anthony L Memmolo, age 80
#244 |
(401) 253-5967
Barbara Miller
#234 |
(412) 471-4109 |
Agnes M Moan
#221 |
(401) 254-3931
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Eleanor D Morrison, age 107
#332 |
(508) 541-8983
Gaetano Murgo
#224 |
(401) 253-7617
A Nerney |
(401) 253-7064
Angela Nerney, age 101
(401) 253-7064
Eduarda Nichols
(401) 253-8301
Evelyn O'gara
(401) 368-8308
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
C Oconnor |
(401) 253-9569
Evelyn M Ogara, age 103
(401) 253-2498
Ida M Oliva
(401) 253-9199
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
I L Owens |
(401) 254-2092
Joseph M Pagano, age 97
#319 |
Grace Pasquarelli
(401) 253-0030
Catherine Patton
#220 |
(401) 254-3930
Anne Paulhus, age 72
#204 |
(401) 253-2427
Education: Associate degree or higher
Harriet E Pearson, age 89
(401) 253-0499
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Carolyn B Pelland
(401) 253-5153
Sarah Pendlebury, age 107
#339 |
(401) 253-5316
Alfred A Pereira
(401) 253-6465
Rose Peters
#217 |
(401) 369-0535
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Marilou Petit, age 96
#207 |
Education: Associate degree or higher
Catherine Pike
(401) 253-4623
Elinor W Pike, age 101
(401) 253-5187
Frank J Pimental
(401) 254-5080
Henry Pirri, age 82
(401) 253-5531
Eugena S Poulin
(401) 253-5734
Angela J Principe, age 106
(401) 253-7888
Angelina C Proto, age 104
(401) 253-3027
Irene Quintal, age 97
Education: High school graduate or higher
Rosanne Quirk
#100 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
August L Raposa
#312 |
(401) 254-2181
George M Raposa, age 64
#312 |
(401) 253-6930
Hilda Raposa, age 96
#312 |
(401) 253-6930
Mary Reynolds, age 102
#306 |
(401) 253-2035
Carolyn A Rix, age 78
#220 |
(401) 253-4930
Eleanor Roderick
#232 |
(401) 253-1124
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Claire Rothus
(401) 253-4639
Anne A Ruginis, age 104
(401) 253-1297
Emily M Shanley
(401) 254-0856
Evelyn Shanley
#322 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Edith H Sherman
(401) 254-9669
Alfred Silvia
#334 |
(401) 345-6045
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Almerinda Silvia
#334 |
(401) 253-9256
Adria B Smith, age 72
#226 |
(401) 862-6236
Elizabeth A Smith, age 83
#349 |
Gertrude A Smith
#226 |
(401) 253-9625
Caroline Sousa, age 112
#239 |
Flora H Sousa
(401) 253-4371
Constance T Stpierre
Helen Strang
(401) 253-3484
Elizabeth A Swindells, age 100
#249 |
(401) 683-3259
Darlene Sylvia
(401) 396-9455
Jeanette M Thomas, age 98
#326 |
Berton S Tober
(401) 253-2397
Antoni Tognetti
(401) 253-3042
Antonia Tognetti
(401) 253-3042
Bernard Valante
(401) 253-6591
Euclid G Vermette
(401) 396-9290
Andrew J Vorro
(401) 253-8595
Joan A Walsh, age 88
#309 |
(401) 253-5073
H Warburton |
(401) 254-1637
Mary Warburton
#345 |
(401) 369-1365
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Ruth Wheelock
#310 |
(401) 369-1403
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Evelyn H White, age 101
(401) 253-3067
Mary J Wilson, age 101
#104 |
Frances Zelenko
(401) 253-2737