Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Caroline T Abate
#211 |
(203) 758-2763
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Christophe J Aja, age 51
(203) 263-7486
Barbara A Ajello, age 77
(203) 266-0004
Betty O Albert, age 91
#433 |
(203) 266-4463
E Albert |
Elizabeth Albert, age 90
#433 |
(203) 263-3521
Education: High school graduate or higher
Deborah M Amber
Cheryl Anne Amodeo, age 44
#143 |
(203) 263-2784
Anita Andrews
Dawn Aquino
(203) 263-7451
Carol L Arena
#132 |
(203) 263-8177
Carol L Schiller, age 62
#132 |
(203) 263-8177
Nicole Barbieri, age 52
#231 |
(203) 263-5821
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jon Beck
#452 |
(203) 770-6295
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Brian P Blair
(203) 263-7820
Craig T Bliven
(203) 263-3155
Bonnie S Bonagiuso, age 70
#242 |
(203) 263-8107
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Donna G Bunnell, age 78
Brian M Burnes, age 57
(203) 263-0455
Debra A Burns
#143 |
(203) 757-7721
Brad Cameron
(203) 263-6331
Diana A Cangin, age 83
#252 |
(203) 263-3374
Debbie Capel, age 66
#242 |
(203) 742-2437
Fred Caposella
#152 |
(203) 263-6464
Megan Caposella
#351 |
(203) 405-3285
A Capossela |
(203) 263-4982
Anthony Capossela
(203) 263-4982
Claudia M Cassidy, age 81
#151 |
(203) 263-6810
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Alice Ceranowicz
Carla Clark, age 54
#212 |
(203) 405-1299
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Angela P Cocchiola, age 51
#312 |
(203) 263-7087
Christina F Coddington, age 44
#141 |
(203) 405-1728
Gloria Coelho
#244 |
(203) 770-6796
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Barbara L Cole, age 71
Chris Cole
Sarah Cooke, age 91
#333 |
(203) 263-3439
Occupation: Administration/Managerial
Education: Associate degree or higher
Dorothy Cooper, age 96
#241 |
(203) 263-7469
Education: Associate degree or higher
Chrysilla Cowan, age 69
#444 |
Occupation: Financial Professional
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Jodi Craig
#134 |
(203) 770-4233
Irene M Crawford
#331 |
(203) 266-4207
Crawford Irene
#331 |
(203) 266-4207
Christopher Critelli, age 52
#132 |
(203) 206-1987
George Cvanciger, age 76
#243 |
James A Dauten
#221 |
(203) 263-4326
Amelia Dedufour, age 63
#451 |
(203) 263-8044
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jim J Delnegro, age 58
#U211 |
(203) 748-6291
Brandon Demartino
#154 |
(203) 263-0418
Michael Demartino
#154 |
(203) 263-0418
Daniel Dibuono
Brian W Dowdy, age 80
#124 |
(203) 263-7867
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Timothy Doyle, age 67
#123 |
(203) 263-0052
Dona Dunlop, age 62
#224 |
(203) 758-2053
Candace W Ennis, age 79
#352 |
(203) 266-4264
Adriana Espinosa, age 51
#332 |
(203) 266-4627
Carol Fedele
Janet Elizabeth Finkle, age 65
#2 |
(203) 263-3652
Donald S Fish
(203) 263-6205
Deborah Flynn, age 60
#334 |
(203) 405-1620
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Education: Graduate or professional degree
B Fraize |
(203) 263-0480
Brian R Fraize, age 59
(203) 263-0480
Dylan R Golden, age 33
#142 |
Denise Gottredson
#343 |
(203) 263-3935
Daniel C Greene
#213 |
Brian J Haas
(203) 263-5339
Bryan J Haas, age 52
#453 |
(203) 263-5339
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
A G Hemmady |
Candace P Higgins, age 76
(203) 263-5219
Craig R Hinckley, age 48
Kathleen Hinckley, age 73
#434 |
Anne A Hobson, age 84
#341 |
(203) 263-5606
Fellie Holmquist, age 51
#432 |
Occupation: Administration/Managerial
Education: Associate degree or higher
C Imperio |
(203) 263-3282
Alison L James, age 62
(203) 263-0938
June D Jaykus
#324 |
(203) 263-4219
Jennifer L Knight, age 52
#222 |
Lara Kolesnik
#314 |
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Christine Krajewski, age 60
#233 |
(203) 729-0859
Christine W Segala
#233 |
(203) 729-0859
Debra A Krulak
(203) 266-4850
Danielle K Larrabee, age 48
(203) 263-7191
Barbara Laudano, age 52
D Lazauskas |
(203) 263-3814
Donna L Lazauskas
(203) 263-3814
Joseph Lenahan
#442 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Csaba E Lengyel, age 82
(203) 263-5911
Jennifer L Lesko, age 44
#31 |
Barbara Li
#353 |
Arthur J Lipani, age 74
#353 |
(203) 266-0079
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: High school graduate or higher
Barbara Lipani, age 69
#353 |
(203) 266-0079
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: High school graduate or higher
Clara M Lockwood
Carlo Longo
E A Low |
James S Mable, age 74
#424 |
(203) 263-4802
Bruce Marchisio
(203) 263-4458
Diane L Marchisio, age 62
#121 |
(203) 263-4458
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Joseph V V Mastroianni, age 81
#232 |
(203) 263-5206
Douglas Mastroni
Connor Mathieu
Daniel L Mathieu, age 63
Diana Maunsell
(203) 263-4626
B Mcinally |
(203) 263-6194
Barbara S Mcinally, age 70
(203) 263-6194
David J Mcinally, age 71
(203) 263-6194
B Seefahrt |
(203) 263-6194
Barbara J Seefahrt, age 110
(203) 263-6194
Debra E Mcinally, age 65
Charles G Middlebrook, age 76
#212 |
(203) 263-2768
Dinesh Mistry
(203) 263-0309
Lisa Kate Morrow
#323 |
(203) 754-4501
Colleen D Mulligan, age 46
(203) 405-1409
Christopher J Okeefe, age 58
(203) 263-5885
Dorie M Okeefe
(203) 263-5885
Dana Packer, age 48
#441 |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Associate degree or higher
Cynthia Palencia, age 43
#214 |
(203) 263-3571
Dan R Peck
(203) 263-0206
Barbara S Peet
Joan Pekar, age 71
#421 |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: High school graduate or higher
Carolyn Petersen
Dorothy A Pivarnik, age 83
#251 |
(203) 263-7916
Dale C Pizzuti, age 49
Edward R Plaunicky, age 59
#413 |
Adriana Pollack
(203) 263-2344
Adrianna Pollack
David Poole
(203) 263-5170
Anna A Prucnal
#144 |
(860) 224-3804
Christine Puglio, age 49
Chris A Quimbaya
(203) 263-7010
Danelle S Rado
(203) 263-7165
Anne N Ravenda
#122 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Erika Reaviel
#111 |
(203) 770-7866
Occupation: Production Occupations
Hendrika Reelick
#153 |
Deborah S Reinehr, age 61
#342 |
(203) 405-1311
Allison Renken
(203) 266-4719
Allison Renkun, age 55
(203) 266-4719
Carole J Richter
Ann T Riley, age 68
#144 |
Anthony Roman
Charlene Roman
#321 |
(203) 263-0407
Charlene M Tuttle, age 73
#321 |
(203) 263-0407
Beth Roscoe, age 73
(203) 489-7816
Richard Ruesch
#414 |
(203) 770-7681
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Audra Russo, age 58
#214 |
(203) 263-4452
Catherine Rutkowski
#133 |
(203) 266-4475
Occupation: Production Occupations
Christopher W Start, age 64
(203) 266-4475
Carol M Sansone
#311 |
(203) 374-6779
Anthony J Saraceni, age 74
#334 |
(203) 263-7126
D Saraceni #334 |
(203) 263-7126
Diane C Saraceni, age 52
#334 |
(203) 263-7126
A M Shea, age 77 |
(203) 266-4467
D Slater |
(203) 263-4950
Barbara Smart
(203) 263-7049
Casey Smith
Kenneth Ericson Smith, age 67
#131 |
Carter M Smyth, age 50
Cinda Smyth
D Sommerville |
(203) 266-9221
C B Start, age 64 |
(203) 266-4175
Jennifer Lynne Stocker, age 54
#423 |
David C Sturges
(203) 263-3084
Bindu Subramanian
#121 |
(203) 405-1682
Mark Sveda
#454 |
(203) 770-8770
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Briana G Taylor, age 54
(203) 405-3451
Ann Elizabeth Terrill, age 80
#431 |
(203) 426-9628
Aimee Trombetto, age 47
#322 |
(203) 266-0410
Donna M Vaillancourt, age 65
(203) 794-6633
Eugene Varasteh
#112 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Dolores A Vito
Francis Voity
#313 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Craig A Vonohlsen
Brian D Ward, age 67
(203) 263-8228
Erik M Ware, age 57
#254 |
(203) 374-0821
Greg Weed, age 50
#223 |
(203) 770-8853
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
David H Weinstein, age 70
(203) 263-0637
Jessica Wildman, age 50
#412 |
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Andrea Williams
#234 |
(203) 263-5954
Maureen Williams, age 93
#234 |
(203) 263-5954
Denise V Williams
#344 |
(239) 694-6428 |
Daniel Wright, age 57
Kasey Yakavonis
#354 |
Clarence L Ziemann, age 111
(203) 263-4862
Christina M Zumbo, age 44
#113 |
(203) 405-1474
A Zwyner |
(203) 263-3605