
3 Colonial Dr Mere Point, ME 04011-3204

Visit 3 Colonial Dr in Mere Point, ME, 04011-3204

This profile includes property assessor report information, real estate records and a complete residency history.

We have include the current owner’s name and phone number to help you find the right person and learn more.

Recent residents


Fire Incidents History

19 Oct 1999 Structure fire, other (conversion only)
Property Use: 1 or 2 family dwelling
Actions Taken: Investigate
Area of Origin: Cooking area, kitchen
First Ignition: Cooking materials, including edible materials
Heat Source: Heat from powered equipment, other
Factors Contributing to Ignition: Equipment unattended
Equipment Power: Electrical, other
Property Loss: $10

Incidents registered in Federal Emergency Management Agency

28 May 2007 Authorized controlled burning
Property Use: 1 or 2 family dwelling
Actions Taken: Incident command