Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Laura Arneil
(978) 649-3031
Antonio Assis
(978) 226-5901
Ann M Baldwin, age 71
#3A |
(978) 649-8415
Edward J Basnett
(978) 649-1006
Jason E Basnett, age 52
(978) 649-1006
Edward C Tuite
(978) 649-1006
Janice D Belletti, age 44
Harsha S Bennur, age 51
Cherie L Blanchard, age 50
#5A |
Carolyn Boisvert, age 63
(978) 649-2870
Donald Boisvert, age 62
(978) 649-2870
E A Dillon |
(978) 649-2870
Edward F Bonczar, age 73
(978) 649-9492
Jason M Bourque
(978) 836-9725
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Alan Burbank, age 60
(978) 649-1030
Angela E Christoffel
Jessica S Civale, age 47
(978) 226-5059
James Colton, age 41
(978) 226-5658
Edward M Consalvi
(978) 649-8320
Laura Copeland, age 38
#4A |
Occupation: Self employed Administration/Managerial
Education: High school graduate or higher
C P Corbeil, age 53 |
(978) 649-6427
Corey E Corbeil
(978) 649-6427
Ann M Coughlin, age 92
(978) 649-2148
Joseph F Cunningham, age 80
Daniel Debutts
Chris Dery
(978) 226-5756
Ale Dibisceglie
(978) 226-5036
Alexander Dibisceglie
(978) 226-5036
Jose Dipillo, age 49
(978) 649-4486
Josephine Dipillo
(978) 649-4486
Amy J Donaldson, age 56
Rebecca Dunsmore
#25A |
(978) 852-4062
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Francis Dziedzinski, age 67
(978) 852-4025
Occupation: Private Household Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Debra L Elkins, age 66
(978) 649-3872
Deborah D Emmons, age 46
Diana F Emmons, age 51
Donna B Fitzpatrick, age 73
Joseph Fulliero
(978) 649-6727
Deron L Gerow, age 53
(978) 649-8043
Amy L Gordon
#1A |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Kathleen M Gordon, age 63
#1A |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Kyle R Gordon, age 50
(978) 649-4309
Charles R Harmon, age 53
(978) 649-8604
Chas Harmon
(978) 649-8604
Christine Harmon, age 52
(978) 649-8604
C M Harrigan, age 58 |
Chris Harrigan, age 82
Christopher M Harrigan
#28A |
(508) 533-5121
Chris K Harrison
#12A |
(978) 226-5836
Christopher Daniel Harrison
#12A |
Aziz Y Hassan, age 92
Arbiol Hermes
(978) 226-5065
Debbra A Holmstedt, age 51
Debra A Holmstedt
#4A |
(978) 454-1104
M Jewell |
(978) 649-2513
Belinda Kelly, age 55
#5A |
(508) 210-0243
Education: High school graduate or higher
Efrosine Kenyon
#18A |
Karen E Kenyon, age 56
(978) 649-4337
M Kerbawy |
(978) 649-9330
Vishwanath K Khasarla
#11A |
(978) 649-8437
Aaron I Knott, age 86
(978) 649-3101
Jared Knott, age 78
(978) 649-3101
M Lacoy, age 81 |
(978) 649-3032
Eric J Langlais, age 50
K C Lauricella |
(978) 649-1268
Kathleen C Lauricella, age 103
(978) 649-1268
Jeanne Rose Leary, age 50
#24A |
(978) 649-4940
Arthur M Leclair, age 88
#7A |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Curtis C Lillibridge, age 75
(978) 649-0354
David J Lillibridge, age 48
#12A |
(978) 649-0354
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Bart Lipetri
(978) 226-5539
Kimberly M Love, age 58
Eric P Makara, age 41
(978) 649-2943
K Makara |
(978) 649-2943
Karen M Makara, age 61
(978) 649-2943
Karan Makara
(978) 649-7231
Bette Marchese, age 54
(978) 649-8540
Dean O Marchese
(978) 649-8540
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Frank P Marchese, age 72
(978) 649-8540
Lindsay Marshall
#2A |
Ashley Marsolais
#26A |
Michael Mcdermott, age 67
#27 |
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
James A Mcgonigle, age 79
(978) 649-7366
Lynne M Mcgrath, age 69
#17A |
(978) 683-7240
David D Mcneish, age 73
(978) 649-3727
Jade T Mcneish, age 68
(978) 649-3727
Doris J Tecun
(978) 649-3727
Christopher W Melanson
(978) 649-1989
Clarisse M Messemer
(978) 649-5592
Glorianne Messemer, age 54
(978) 649-5592
Daniel E Metevier, age 64
#27A |
Lorraine S Michaels, age 101
(978) 649-7980
B Paull |
(978) 649-7980
L Trudel |
(978) 649-7980
Gary S Miliefsky, age 56
Joel A Monaco, age 66
(508) 649-7409
Karen E Mulford, age 55
(978) 649-0057
Kevin R Mulford, age 54
(978) 649-0057
Indira Nath, age 56
Kevin M Newman, age 59
Lori A Nosal, age 59
Debra Paull, age 68
Henry N Paull, age 69
#16 |
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Laura J Pero, age 125
(978) 649-0520
Diane M Picanso, age 52
#16A |
(978) 221-0056
Daniel B Pooler
Jeffrey D Prescott
Louise Proulx
Elena Psoinos
(978) 649-1072
Lewis Pusey, age 64
#23A |
Jan Redmond, age 49
(978) 649-2533
Kimberly A Rezendes, age 47
#7A |
(978) 649-7697
Education: Associate degree or higher
John M Rhude, age 74
Shannon Rogers
#2 |
Alan Rollins
#8A |
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
David W Rollins, age 57
A Rowe |
(978) 649-9604
Cesar A Salinas, age 60
(978) 649-7016
David M Salinas
(978) 649-7016
Danielle L Savoie, age 62
#14A |
(508) 649-7603
Keith Sawtelle
(978) 226-5110
Tayla Sawtelle, age 36
#13A |
Bill S Scarth, age 62
Diana Schultz
David Scott
#22A |
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
George M Shanahan, age 101
Janice Sheehy, age 66
#16 |
Karla Silva
(978) 226-5074
Jim Smith
(978) 844-1363
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Darby Stokes, age 38
#21A |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jeffrey E Sweeney, age 67
#6A |
(978) 649-1113
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Karen Teixeira, age 49
Kristen D Topjian, age 55
A Unger #15A |
(978) 649-2933
Audrey L Unger, age 48
#15A |
(978) 649-2933
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Imran Vark
(978) 226-5601
Christine C Ventimiglia
(978) 226-5532
Deanna Vigeant, age 52
Jennifer B Walden, age 44
(978) 649-8937
Jason P Witts
(978) 649-5349
Kristin E Zeman