Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Ad Adamov
#3H |
(617) 734-8930
Anatoly D Adamov, age 52
#3H |
(617) 733-9503
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
A Alpen |
Geoffrey D Alperin, age 64
(617) 739-3185
Alex M Alpert
#3E |
(617) 232-0231
Aleksandr Andreychenko
#2I |
Alexandr Andreychenko
#2I |
(617) 734-2736
Occupation: Farming-Forestry Occupation
Education: Associate degree or higher
Erving Arnold, age 102
(617) 731-8025
Evan Arnold
(617) 731-8025
Dana V Aronov, age 53
#56 |
Beatta Baranchuk, age 53
#5I |
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Chad Bates
(617) 733-5045
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Alla Y Belova
#1G |
David E Boatwright, age 49
(617) 731-9710
Victoria Bodnya, age 47
#2J |
(781) 321-7725
Occupation: Medical Professional
Education: Associate degree or higher
Boggdan Budnik
(617) 566-1469
Janet Buhlmann, age 57
#4B |
(617) 501-6105
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Alex Bulis, age 55
(617) 232-3786
Alexander Bulis
Beatrice L Byrnes, age 98
(617) 277-4429
Donna L Byrnes, age 73
(617) 277-4429
C Caine |
(617) 731-5547
C Came |
(617) 731-5547
Maria Casares
#3I |
(617) 733-5683
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Anna Cembrola
#1D |
Carol A Chagnon
David Chasdi
#6 F |
Eleanor H Chasdi
#6 F |
(617) 566-0235
Viktoria Cher, age 55
#5J |
(617) 734-6613
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Dana Chervony
Aimee E Chevalier, age 49
Ethan M Clark, age 52
#6B |
(617) 975-0432
Occupation: Healthcare Support Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Charles Cohen, age 47
(617) 734-6379
Corey M Cohen, age 57
(508) 753-4909
Ben Dawson, age 96
Dawn L Demeo, age 65
(617) 739-4761
Joshua Dickerson
#3A |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Elaine Drake
(617) 277-6379
Bryan Engel, age 65
(617) 277-8534
Jeffrey Engel, age 57
#2D |
(617) 721-5022
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Amy M Ewen
Amy Feingold, age 47
#4G |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Evelyn J Ferngold, age 95
(617) 232-0876
C Fienemann |
Emily Frechette
(617) 232-2161
Dan Frenkel
(617) 734-4631
Anne C Gagnon, age 54
#5H |
(617) 731-1778
Anne Christine Millington, age 55
#5H |
(617) 731-1778
David R Gamliel, age 88
(617) 566-8575
Christine Gelhaus, age 52
(617) 731-1708
Edward I Goldin
(617) 566-0936
Ryah Goodman
#6K |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Aleksandra Gorelova
#4F |
Doris Grauman, age 116
Elisa L Green, age 61
(617) 566-7460
Auditi Guha
(617) 738-9294
Ziad Haddara
#3G |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
D Hirschfeld |
(617) 277-3202
Robert Holmes
#2F |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Grace Honda
(617) 734-0419
Cheng Hu, age 45
(617) 739-8533
Gautam Jaggi, age 56
#6E |
(857) 350-3010
Brian Jarman
(617) 739-2173
Dmitri Kantsyrev, age 47
#4J |
Nicholas Katsarikas
#6F |
Hans Kelderman, age 65
(617) 731-9122
Aditya Kelkar
#1G |
E Kidde |
(617) 232-3253
Elizabeth Kidde
(617) 232-3253
Elena N Kistanova, age 61
(617) 738-6898
Anna A Kosheleva
(617) 738-8038
Maryana Kremen
#5B |
(617) 816-2296
Fred Lafleur
#6A |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Alban Latremoliere
#6G |
Pauline Levy
#5A |
Edna H Lipson, age 110
Lydia Z Liu
#4E |
(617) 527-1347
Andzey Manakin, age 52
C Marcinyk #6B |
(617) 471-4949
Cincy Marcinyk
#6B |
(617) 471-4949
A Maskati |
(617) 731-9821
Charles Mcdonald, age 83
#2H |
Jamie Meeroff, age 41
#1B |
Isabel Meirelles, age 83
#6I |
Carol Mierau
#4I |
(612) 220-3300 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Bogdan V Milosevic, age 69
(617) 734-2893
Deborah S Nassif, age 57
#2E |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Andrey M Nikiforov, age 63
#3F |
(617) 277-1238
Galina V Nikiforova, age 63
Begum F Ozbek, age 52
#37 |
Janet A Peluso, age 96
#6H |
(718) 428-2284 |
Beryl S Powell, age 45
#6G |
(617) 731-4121
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial
Education: Associate degree or higher
Eleanor Price
#4J |
Elliot Price
#4J |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Jennifer M Pursley, age 46
#2 G 30 |
Fima Rabinovich, age 88
Aruna Ramachandran, age 52
#5G |
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
Jasper Reid, age 65
#2G |
C Remenchus #2B |
(617) 277-8725
Charles Remenchus
#1E |
(617) 755-4765
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Charles F Remenchus, age 100
#2B |
(617) 277-8725
Ann Repetto, age 92
Anna Repetto
#2H |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Anthony Repetto, age 55
#2H |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Charles Repetto, age 89
Monique Ribeiro
#4A |
Emily Alice Rogers
#4D |
Ellen Rohtstein, age 73
#1A |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Gngory Rozental
#5K |
(617) 738-8685
Grigor Rozental
#5K |
(617) 738-8685
Grigory S Rozental, age 66
#5K |
(617) 738-8685
Svetlana Rozental, age 64
#5K |
(617) 738-8685
Occupation: Professional/Technical
F Sacarob, age 107 |
Florence Sacarob
#5F |
Occupation: Service Occupations
C Sagi |
(617) 566-1189
Daniela Sarrizo
(617) 505-5774
Jason C Scott, age 51
#4C |
(617) 277-4703
Susan F Shafer
#4 B |
Jessica L Shair, age 52
#3C |
E Shcherba |
(617) 566-8999
Eugen Shcherba, age 66
(617) 566-1654
Eugene Shcherba, age 66
#5E |
(617) 566-1654
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
B Shindler |
(617) 738-1480
Beth A Shindler
(617) 738-1480
Anna Shlemis, age 78
#5C |
(617) 731-5734
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Doria Shlemis, age 50
#5C |
(617) 731-5734
Gregory A Shlemis, age 77
#5C |
(617) 731-5734
Hanna M Shneberg, age 74
(617) 277-7089
H Skolnick |
Goran M Skorput, age 55
(617) 738-1177
Anne M Smith, age 69
#4I |
E Snitkovsky #4A |
(617) 734-5403
Dmitriy Sonkin
Gretchen Struemph
(617) 731-8608
Andrey Tamarchenko, age 62
Alex Tarasenko, age 53
(617) 739-2011
Edw Tronick, age 82
(617) 232-4491
Edward Tronick
(617) 232-4491
Ilya Tsipis, age 77
#6C |
Occupation: Technicians and Related Support Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Persheng Sadegh Vaziri, age 66
#1F |
(212) 996-0525 |
Matthew Veerman, age 36
#3B |
(401) 567-0157
Education: High school graduate or higher
Gersh Voldman
(617) 264-7335
David L Weinberg, age 60
Picone Whitney
#2C |
B Winer |
(617) 734-7376
D Wolfson |
(617) 232-5352
Dora A Wolfson, age 100
(617) 232-5352
Dorothy Wolfson
(617) 232-5352
Joseph Wong, age 47
#5D |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Associate degree or higher
Brandice C Wrone, age 54
(617) 278-6010
David A Wrone, age 55
(617) 278-6010
Biting Wu
#4H |
Seth R Wulsin, age 43
#6J |
Elena Zakharova
#2A |
(617) 383-5883
Ali Zarrin, age 79
(617) 738-1049
D Zverinskiy, age 79 |
(617) 730-9913