Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Adam Adkins
(603) 249-5918
Bill L Albert, age 66
(603) 672-9315
Angela Almeida
#16 |
(603) 672-7105
Chris J Arre, age 59
Anne M Arseneault, age 60
#22 |
Alana F Bagley, age 72
#42 |
(603) 672-5563
Burtchel L Bagley, age 73
#42 |
(603) 867-9787
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Alan C Barnard, age 61
(603) 672-0761
Antoinette M Barnard, age 90
(603) 672-0761
Eric J Beaudoin
(603) 595-2483
A Colotti, age 77 |
(603) 595-2483
Christopher M Colotti, age 51
(603) 595-2483
Cassandra J Beckwith, age 51
(603) 673-0308
Caren M Bedard, age 52
#25 |
(603) 673-6265
Diane M Bedard, age 76
#25 |
(603) 673-6265
David M Bessette
#13 |
(603) 624-2075
Andrea Bishop
(603) 672-8639
Catherine Bisset
#60 |
(603) 672-2207
Alan Boilard, age 62
#25 |
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Eileen K Bolton, age 62
#60 |
(603) 672-5002
Eileen K Oneil
#41 |
(603) 672-5002
Cindy E Boucher, age 55
(603) 672-6608
Arlene D Breeyear, age 80
#57 |
(603) 672-8161
Diana M Brennan, age 51
#18 |
(603) 249-5410
Carrie Brooks, age 65
#1 |
(603) 673-7686
Joan Brooks, age 89
#1 |
(603) 673-7686
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jane Bullock
#7 |
(603) 672-9040
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Kelly G Cackett
#5 |
Jennifer Camirand, age 52
#102 |
(603) 232-2722
Education: Graduate or professional degree
B Carpenter |
(603) 673-7175
Beverly Erikson Carpenter
#21 |
(603) 673-7175
Brad R Chappell, age 46
(603) 672-8997
Brandon Chartier
#105 |
(978) 459-5022
Dawn M Civin, age 59
Elaine L Cole, age 83
C Colotti |
(603) 672-9284
Christophe M Colotti, age 51
(603) 672-9284
Carol Conklin
#32 |
(603) 672-3060
Carol A Mcnally, age 68
#32 |
(603) 672-3060
Ginny Conner, age 48
#101 |
(603) 672-8693
Anna L Connolly, age 71
(603) 673-1932
Brian M Cook, age 73
#44 |
(603) 672-2449
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Brianne Cook, age 73
(603) 672-2449
Ernest J Cote, age 65
(603) 673-9965
Ernest J Coty, age 80
#55 |
(603) 673-9965
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jeanne Coty, age 86
#6 |
(603) 673-9965
Education: High school graduate or higher
Kathryn Crawford
#19 |
(603) 672-8943
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
E T David #38 |
Carly Dellova
(603) 554-1269
Chris J Delrossi
#65 |
(603) 672-2437
B Dietz |
(603) 673-0163
Bonita H Dietz, age 71
(603) 673-0163
Elizabeth O Dishong, age 84
#54 |
(603) 672-8434
Diane J Dogherty, age 68
Eric M Drewniak, age 54
#31 |
(603) 554-1293
Education: High school graduate or higher
Elizabeth Duggan, age 74
(603) 672-1454
Edward M Emery
(603) 672-8022
Pam Emery, age 50
#14 |
Education: Associate degree or higher
Beverly Erickson, age 67
#21 |
(603) 672-4534
Bjorn Eriksen
(603) 249-5270
Engelbert L Ermel, age 82
Crizeida Faria
(603) 673-7335
Marcillo Ferraz
#49 |
Ersun Ficici
#53 |
(603) 249-1199
Claire Fournier, age 83
Ann M Francke, age 63
(603) 673-5462
Judith Frank, age 85
#3 |
Carrie Fraser
(603) 672-3402
C A Freitas, age 50 |
Christophe B Frost, age 50
A Fyffe |
(603) 673-0963
Bill Gage
#106 |
(603) 673-1890
Cherie L Gauthier, age 58
Eileen R Gilbride, age 79
#48 |
(603) 249-9328
Sean P Gilbride
#48 |
(603) 249-9328
Dzevad Glusac, age 53
#16 |
(603) 672-4373
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Elvedina Glusac, age 48
#16 |
(603) 672-4373
Donald Gonville, age 81
(603) 672-4565
Betty L Goodspeed, age 52
Cecily Gruce
#4 |
Occupation: Administration/Managerial
Daniel J Haggerty, age 60
David E Hanson
(603) 249-9363
Carla M Harju, age 71
(603) 672-8741
Amy P Harrington, age 52
Angela Hart, age 64
#52 |
Jacqueline C Hartford, age 69
#33 |
Barbara L Harwood, age 46
(603) 673-8729
C A Hoell, age 55 |
(603) 672-1898
Charlene A Hoell, age 55
(603) 672-1898
Melody Houston
#30 |
Ann M Huntington, age 71
(603) 249-5636
Carl M Isham, age 81
#13 |
(603) 673-9283
Briae A Kalled, age 64
(603) 673-4835
Charles H Kallfelz, age 62
#21 |
(603) 673-4371
Jennifer J Keating
#40 |
(603) 672-3976
Kenneth J Killpatrick
#203 |
Brian K Knowlton, age 65
(603) 672-0907
Amanda Kouatly, age 54
Florence Lamson
#34 |
(603) 672-9296
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Daniel R Lantagne, age 67
#10 |
(603) 886-1551
Carol A Lavoie, age 68
#12 |
Donald A Lavoie, age 75
Andrew Lefrancois, age 47
#39 |
(603) 554-1836
Education: High school graduate or higher
Dean Lefrancois
#39 |
(603) 554-1836
Christopher W Lussier, age 60
#9 |
(603) 672-3686
Karen Markham
#109 |
(603) 672-9397
Brian C Mccarthy, age 59
#62 |
(603) 672-8280
Cindy L Mcshea, age 61
(603) 673-8325
Janet L Mendola, age 72
#110 |
(603) 673-3932
Daniel M Milewski, age 83
(603) 673-4121
Kate Mitiguy
#U |
Carol A Morin, age 62
(603) 672-6462
Catherine M Naun, age 70
#107 |
Daniel A Nay, age 53
Christine Noell
#103 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Catherine Noiles
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Cathy A Noiles, age 60
(603) 672-4102
Doris S Oden, age 96
Liliana Ortega, age 58
#36 |
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
David M Palance, age 64
(603) 672-3659
Liisa Palance, age 64
#26 |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: High school graduate or higher
Bradley Paquette, age 54
#29 |
(603) 672-1462
Education: Associate degree or higher
Bradley J Paquette, age 54
#50 |
(603) 672-3775
D Paquette #29 |
(603) 672-1462
Dennis R Paquette, age 77
#29 |
(603) 672-1462
Education: High school graduate or higher
Cheryl D Pecor
(603) 554-1615
Cheryl Vangeli
(603) 554-1615
Claire J Place, age 85
#23 |
(603) 673-6298
Education: High school graduate or higher
David L Poirier, age 63
Brian E Poisson, age 44
#35 |
(603) 672-2345
Jessica L Poliquin, age 46
#43 |
Christopher Quimby
(603) 672-1289
Adam J Rakiey, age 77
#58 |
(603) 673-9691
Andrew C Rakiey, age 53
#58 |
(603) 673-9691
Christopher A Rakiey, age 49
#58 |
(603) 673-9691
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Charles R Savage, age 48
#58 |
(603) 673-9691
Arthur L Rea, age 82
(603) 673-7689
Raymond P Regan, age 83
#11 |
(603) 672-2519
Kristen M Richard
#46 |
Stephen J Robinson, age 70
#37 |
Catherine A Rosario, age 70
(603) 672-4160
Mary Sanchez, age 73
#51 |
Occupation: Service Occupations
L A Scanlon, age 70 #56 |
(603) 672-1998
Theresa Julie Senio, age 64
#45 |
(603) 453-6105
Arthur Sennott
#63 |
(603) 554-8157
Education: High school graduate or higher
Elvir Sinanovic
#108 |
(603) 206-5424
Charles M Smith, age 57
(603) 672-9232
B Sousa |
Brian J Sousa, age 53
#15 |
(603) 673-0740
Education: High school graduate or higher
Daniel J Storer
#8 |
Elyata L Tonnesen, age 62
David E Tramack, age 82
Diane B Tully, age 75
#47 |
(603) 249-5069
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Claire P Turgeon, age 71
Eleanora R Tuttle, age 96
(603) 672-5299
William Tyers, age 69
#17 |
(603) 673-2893
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Christine Usuriello
Anne M Walsh
#22 |
(603) 494-8084
Deborah A Weaver, age 63
#24 |
(603) 673-3041
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Adam Trevor Wells
#39 |
Daniel Witsoe, age 52
(603) 672-4693
Dennis Witsoe, age 83
(603) 672-4693
Gary J Worgan, age 53
#28 |
John A Wynne
#61 |
(603) 673-7534