Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
C Ahern |
(401) 738-9421
J Alk |
(401) 921-6394
John Angelone
(401) 475-2445
Curt Archambault
(401) 921-5023
L Aurecchia |
(401) 732-4555
M Aurecchia |
(401) 732-4555
Lauren Naylor, age 51
(401) 732-4555
Michael P Aurecchia
D Ballister |
(401) 739-4326
Dean C Ballister, age 61
(401) 739-4326
J Baxter |
(401) 739-1630
Joey Fuscaldo
(401) 739-1630
Joey Huff
(401) 739-1630
David E Beaudreau, age 56
(401) 739-1226
Carolyn R Beaudry, age 60
#109 |
Ann Belanger
(401) 732-9312
Renee Belanger, age 76
#201 |
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Charlene E Bernardi, age 67
#308 |
(401) 732-8979
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Denise Boezi
(401) 921-2454
Chris J Boffi, age 54
(401) 732-3681
Christopher J Boffi, age 54
(401) 732-3681
Kara A Boylan, age 51
Michael Bucci
(401) 739-1720
B Budlong |
(401) 732-0934
K Budlong |
(401) 732-0934
K Cronin |
(401) 732-0934
Brian A Budlong, age 52
Joyce P Buontempo, age 84
#107 |
Lois Butler
(401) 921-0986
Heidi L George, age 66
(401) 921-0986
Lindsay D George
(401) 921-0986
Jaime Calcagni
(401) 921-4972
G Calise, age 72 |
(401) 732-9114
Dan Carlton
(401) 738-9923
Edward Carr
A Cobb |
(401) 921-0506
Joan Marie Collins
#205 |
(401) 732-3351
Linda Conte, age 58
#102 |
(401) 738-9086
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jason Edward Cooley, age 49
#210 |
(401) 952-5663
Jill Cote, age 93
#103 |
Eileen R Covais
(401) 737-7353
Leigh Croall
(401) 739-6064
Joslyn G Crosby
(401) 739-8992
Catherine M Cudahy
Joe Darby, age 47
#105 |
G R Davis |
(401) 739-9959
Carter G Davison, age 73
(401) 738-3893
George Deblois, age 74
#208 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
M Denofio #302 |
(401) 732-0057
Melissa F Denofio
#302 |
(401) 732-0057
Brenda Desrosiers, age 60
#306 |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Jessica A Diallo, age 40
#212 |
Ernest P Dibiasio, age 91
Christopher L Diiuro
(401) 732-9490
Karen Downs
#301 |
(401) 921-0153
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Michael A Durfey
#310 |
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Leonard H Ellis
Carol M Faunce, age 53
(401) 738-5673
Carolyn R Faunce, age 83
(401) 738-5673
Howard H Faunce, age 57
(401) 738-5673
Michael Flynn, age 42
#103 |
Justin Foster, age 44
#108 |
M Fournier |
(401) 736-5700
Carolyn S Fuchs, age 52
(401) 739-7889
Monica Fulford
(401) 932-6363
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Ann Gilbert
#206 |
(401) 732-5931
John K Gilbert
#206 |
(401) 732-5931
Occupation: Farming-Forestry Occupation
Education: Associate degree or higher
Ann M Laffey, age 58
#206 |
(401) 732-5931
Catherine M Gilchrist, age 67
(401) 737-0212
Cathy M Gilchrist, age 66
(401) 737-0212
Jennifer A Giordano
#110 |
(401) 738-2262
Jennifer R Letellier, age 50
#110 |
(401) 738-2262
Theresa G Girard, age 59
#CR05 |
Ronald Giscombe, age 78
#202 |
(401) 855-4797
Occupation: Administration/Managerial
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Cindy L Hahn, age 64
(401) 921-6306
Jeffrey F Hallinan, age 60
Karen M Hallinan, age 59
Patricia J Harley
#309 |
(401) 738-8536
Denise A Mongeau
#309 |
(401) 738-8536
Kay Havey
Edward M Healey, age 73
David J Howard, age 61
(401) 738-7515
John P Igoe
John D Ionata, age 58
#104 |
(401) 732-4031
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
John Irving, age 55
#101 |
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Gary Kalmus
(401) 921-6325
David M Kelly
Kevin M Kennedy, age 51
(401) 736-0579
Raymond E Kilian
#112 |
Al King
(401) 739-1707
John Pestana
(401) 739-1707
Judy F King
Betsy R Korkuc, age 85
(401) 732-4995
Gary T Lagergren
Cheryle A Lambert
Nicole Landi
(401) 732-8188
Douglas Langevin
(401) 734-9839
Catherine A Leary, age 66
#211 |
(401) 438-2648
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
D L Leavitt |
(401) 738-1256
Cynthia M Leblanc, age 52
#304 |
Loretta A Leroux
Deborah Lessard
(401) 921-3220
James E Litvack, age 55
(401) 732-6068
Nicole Y Livas, age 56
Jean M Lizotte, age 68
Denise Loiselle
Anne R Loughlin, age 84
#203 |
Debra Lucke
(401) 732-7807
Bettyann Lyon
(401) 738-1980
Joan Mackenzie
#108 |
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Allison J Macleod, age 52
(401) 732-0468
Gary W Maddocks, age 61
#207 |
David Mahoney
#105 |
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Gregg G Maijenski, age 68
Anne Mailloux
#109 |
(801) 392-2592 |
Donald H Mallette, age 59
#207 |
Elizabeth H Marchetti
Kevin Mcdermott, age 47
#209 |
(401) 474-5123
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Jeff G Medeiros
Jeffrey Medeiros
(401) 921-1741
Jodie Walters
(401) 921-1741
Lyndsey Melton, age 41
#103 |
Education: High school graduate or higher
David J Miller
(401) 739-7869
Jessica Renshaw
(401) 739-7869
C Mirabella |
Danny J Moyse, age 60
#305 |
(781) 837-7689
Joanne M Noel, age 56
(401) 732-8107
Ellen P Onesti, age 69
(401) 732-6705
Jane E Paquet, age 73
#308 |
(401) 353-4878
J Petrarca |
(401) 738-7633
Eric P Piccamiglio, age 59
(401) 732-8050
K Pinney |
(401) 732-9437
Lionel Poisson
(401) 738-2856
Andrew Weindel
(401) 738-2856
Margaret Procter, age 105
#307 |
(401) 739-3679
Michael Roberts
(401) 739-0855
Barbara A Ryan, age 81
#307 |
(401) 738-3087
Dennis G Ryan, age 80
#307 |
(401) 738-3087
Lisa M Sauer, age 61
(401) 732-7709
David E Schmieder, age 65
J C Scotto |
(401) 737-2414
Amy Shippee, age 37
#302 |
Elizabeth Siegel
(401) 921-5358
Barbara C Sizer, age 71
#204 |
(401) 732-2280
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
Claire M Smith, age 97
#111 |
(401) 739-3536
Donna Jean Sowden, age 63
#106 |
(401) 737-2339
John Stanley
(401) 734-1885
Mary E Stubbs
#311 |
(401) 467-5091
Keith M Tanner, age 60
(401) 732-4420
Elizabeth I Tate, age 46
(401) 732-0922
Kelly Taylor, age 48
(401) 732-6414
Gail Thompson, age 80
#110 |
(401) 739-2689
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
John Thompson, age 71
#304 |
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Kelly Thompson, age 37
#304 |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: High school graduate or higher
Cheryl A Verrier, age 58
Marsha L Vilker, age 76
Jennifer L Voiles, age 53
#208 |
(401) 732-8523
Lisa M Weickert
(401) 921-4993
Howard Werchadlo
(401) 737-4587
Charlie Wilson
(401) 732-8743