Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Amegnona Alate
(802) 863-5080
Assan Alate
(802) 863-5080
J Alberty |
George Alvanos
Cathleen Baez
(802) 658-0162
Jeff Baker, age 48
#39 |
(802) 658-4957
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
David Baldwin
Elisabeth E Barnett
Betsy A Batchelder, age 72
(802) 651-6875
Elizabeth Bishop, age 43
#26 |
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
A Bobrek |
Mark V Boudette
#37 |
G Bowen |
(802) 864-5094
Bill Bowers
(802) 863-2418
Heidi L Bowers, age 50
(802) 863-2418
Diana Brace, age 63
#14 |
(802) 660-0707
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Earl G Brantner
Stephanie Briggs
#45 |
J Brochu |
(802) 951-8948
Dennis M Bronson, age 49
#7 |
(802) 660-2642
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
J Broughton |
C Buttolph |
C Carroll |
(802) 862-4782
Anthony P Casagrande, age 66
Gopal Chakrabarti, age 58
#9 |
(802) 860-1784
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Christopher E Chasse, age 52
#13C |
Elizabeth Churchill
(802) 863-8989
John Cleary
#30 |
Anne B Coburn, age 63
#34 |
Charles A Corea, age 51
Brian Crocker, age 52
#36 |
Ann Cunningham
(802) 660-7126
Annie Cunningham
Carol P Curtis, age 77
#8 |
(802) 862-1873
Simon Curtis
#8 |
(802) 862-1873
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Danilo Cvejic
(802) 865-8339
Sarah E Cyr, age 39
#22 |
Edita Debeljak, age 39
#33 |
(802) 864-4644
Jamina Debeljak, age 64
#33 |
(802) 864-4644
Education: High school graduate or higher
Barbara K Dewey, age 67
Cameron D Dilworth, age 60
#10 |
(216) 431-8336 |
Holly N Dumont, age 59
(802) 645-4904
Charity L Duprat, age 50
Greg W Duprat, age 74
Harmony T Duprat, age 47
(802) 865-2008
Chris Dusablon
Sarah Ellcome
#12 |
(802) 864-3802
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Austin Farley
(802) 860-4745
J Feinblum |
(802) 862-1135
Frank William Felix
Dalton E Flint, age 66
#20D |
(802) 864-7038
Jack Fowler
#15C |
(802) 864-2940
Ben J Francis
(802) 865-1795
Andrew J Gabert
(802) 863-2977
Amy L Gaspardino
(802) 863-3152
Gail A Genest, age 86
(802) 864-4497
Carolyn R Goldman
(802) 658-1962
Hiromi Goto
(802) 658-3965
C Graveline |
(802) 658-3266
Erik K Gray, age 65
(802) 864-1938
Chamois S Green, age 36
(802) 860-0684
Adam Griffis
(802) 951-9349
J Griffis |
(802) 951-9349
Alison J Grinnell, age 50
(802) 859-0932
Anthony J Harney
#40 |
B Heath |
(802) 864-9078
Elizabeth Hermann
(802) 863-2012
Darrel F Hickok
#5A |
Elizabeth M Hodge
#6A |
Emily James, age 37
#21 |
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
Erica Jarry, age 60
(802) 863-4439
Gregory S Jelson
(802) 863-3326
Occupation: Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers, and Laborers Occupations
Julie K Jones
#6 |
Elizabeth Ketner, age 51
#23 |
David F Killary
(802) 865-3914
Nicole M Kittell
#15 |
(802) 862-2177
Brian M Lacey, age 44
Angel A Lapaz, age 68
#42 |
Amy E Larivee
(802) 863-9898
Audrey N Leblanc, age 47
(802) 863-5358
Cynthia B Lefebvre, age 58
#4 |
Brooke Lewis
#20 |
(802) 658-4444
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Joel M Livings, age 61
#1X |
Anna S Mackay
#41 |
(561) 776-2871 |
Alex Marko, age 80
(802) 951-1918
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Nancy Mccarron, age 58
#28 |
Education: Associate degree or higher
Andrew Mcdonald
(802) 863-8112
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
F Mckee |
Conor J Mcquade
(802) 658-0777
Chris S Meyer
(802) 859-9224
Becky Miller
(802) 859-9282
Allison P Mitchell, age 49
Amanda J Mitchell, age 80
Harold K Mitchell, age 80
Gavrilo Mutabdzija
(802) 863-1087
Andrew B Myers
#3B |
(802) 660-8909
Benjamin Nielsen, age 47
#40 |
Daniel Nielsen, age 47
#40 |
Amanda Nietsch
J Obrien, age 79 |
Cheryl A Oleary, age 63
#32 |
(802) 865-2387
A Ono |
(802) 863-0591
Akiko Ono
(802) 863-0591
Derick M Papin, age 50
Frank Penca
(802) 951-9789
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jack S Penca
(802) 951-9789
David Pezzulo
(802) 658-6830
C Pishdad |
(802) 859-3359
Chams Pishdad, age 72
(802) 660-9292
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Brooke Preseau
#20 |
(802) 862-1001
Ed G Preseau, age 75
(802) 862-1001
Aaron Proctor
(802) 651-0791
Nichole Raymond
#26E |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Clarence Revelle
#35F |
(802) 660-3935
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Virgina Revelle, age 95
#35 |
(802) 660-3935
Joan Helen Rice, age 84
#1A |
Heidi M Richmond, age 53
#3 |
Ashley Rivers
(802) 859-3419
Sean Rivis
#5 |
Bobbie Rocheleau, age 53
#29 |
Christophe Roland
(802) 864-2490
Elijah Rollson
Eric Roy
(802) 951-1794
Occupation: Production Occupations
Bobbie J Russell
Bobbiejo J Russell, age 52
Christine M Saundry, age 47
Erica Senft, age 44
(802) 863-2211
Colin M Shafer
Alan E Shaw
(802) 864-0052
Arthur Shepard
(802) 660-8607
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Bhaskar Shrestha
(802) 951-9765
George Sliney
(802) 658-9967
Emily Solomon
(802) 864-0173
Holden S Sparacino, age 34
#31 |
Catrin R Steward
#10 |
(802) 658-8062
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
B Stinebring #20 |
(802) 864-5539
Beth Stinebring
#20 |
(802) 864-5539
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Delores J Stinebring, age 98
#20 |
(802) 864-5539
Dan Stoff
#21 |
(802) 644-8806
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
Debra S Tanner
(802) 862-6275
Daniel M Taylor, age 50
(802) 865-0354
Bradley Temple
(802) 951-0241
Carrie M Thibault, age 52
#32 |
Geoff Tibbals
(802) 859-0062
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Erin M Trainor
(802) 862-5705
A M Trottier, age 50 |
Amy Tyler, age 81
(802) 951-1653
Chad Edward Volk
#13C |
(802) 660-3618
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Dajian Wang, age 73
(802) 865-9882
J Warner |
(802) 651-0197
Allyse Weltman
(802) 864-1814
J Wideawake |
(802) 862-6261
Ann Yezerski, age 54
(802) 660-8951