Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Brian E Abrams
(617) 666-2285
P Adams |
(617) 623-4279
H Ahn |
Janet Albanese, age 64
Justin P Allen
#43 |
Lita Ardiles
#35 |
(617) 666-4649
Zoila A Ardiles, age 81
#35 |
(617) 666-4649
Richard F Atkinson, age 57
Alex Avdeef, age 65
Steven Bayless
(617) 629-7875
V Bhang |
(617) 623-4136
Jason Blood
#41 |
(617) 666-0388
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Peter K Botticelli, age 59
(617) 628-6558
Kelly A Bruno
Catherine M Buckley, age 88
Paul V Buckley, age 62
Cheryl Burnes
Serena J Butcher, age 65
Garin R Byrne, age 49
(617) 629-0034
Cheryl Byrnes, age 56
Julie W Cacioppo
Ron Caso, age 79
(617) 629-0506
Ronald P Caso
(617) 629-0506
Julie L Christenson, age 51
(617) 625-8030
Peter Chung
Sam D Chuparkoff, age 65
#20 |
(617) 776-9366
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Eric M Collins, age 56
#44 |
Ryan Culbertson
#25 |
(617) 623-4202
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Lillian E Curran, age 29
#5 |
Cheryl Davin
#46 |
(617) 623-7576
Christophe Davin
#46 |
(617) 623-7576
Christopher P Davin, age 57
#46 |
(617) 623-7576
Peter Deglopper
#43 |
(617) 591-1743
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
T Devos, age 79 |
(617) 776-3406
M Dsouza |
(617) 666-8829
Jodi Beth Ely, age 52
#42 |
(617) 628-0406
Aiqi Fang, age 85
(617) 628-1427
Jianjun J Fang, age 67
(617) 628-1427
John Fergus
#44 |
Lisa F Fishman, age 65
Akio Fugita
(617) 666-6351
Yumiko Fujita, age 71
Alan V Fullerton
Alexander J Gleyzer, age 64
Jeanette M Gleyzer, age 59
Svetlana I Glushchenko
#22 |
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
David Gold, age 53
(617) 623-4276
Devra I Goldberg, age 54
(617) 628-2973
Keren E Goldenberg
Girts Graudins, age 49
#21 |
(617) 625-1918
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Jonathan Green
(617) 591-9885
T Groh |
(617) 776-3859
Susan Guthrie, age 61
D Halsey |
(617) 628-7961
Marypatric Hebeler
(617) 628-0371
Thomas B Hickerson, age 53
(617) 625-5154
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Janet C Hoban, age 64
Katherine Hunter, age 79
(617) 628-8926
Christophe Hwang, age 79
(617) 776-7311
E Iida |
Kaoru Ikeda
(617) 776-6690
A Isaak, age 79 |
(617) 591-1887
Andre Isaak
#4 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Cameron Jones, age 41
#23 |
Education: High school graduate or higher
George Katsiaris, age 85
Jeanne E Kelleher, age 53
#36 |
(617) 776-0410
Letheshia Kennebrew, age 57
#20 |
(508) 346-3516
S Khandelwal |
(617) 625-2423
Shinjung E Kim, age 53
#35 |
Joseph L Kissil, age 58
(617) 776-1162
Erika Klinert
(617) 666-6472
Monika Kumar
#2 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Ken Kuriki
(617) 610-2212
Occupation: Farming-Forestry Occupation
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Yvonne Lamoreaux
#32 |
(617) 729-6663
Elijah N Lapson
Beth M Lazarus, age 62
#40 |
(617) 653-9813
Charlotte E Lee, age 54
#30 |
Karen Lee, age 53
Jeffrey Lenches
(617) 625-4671
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Robert J Leonard, age 90
(603) 228-4393
David Lewis
(617) 605-1078
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Dimitri Los
(617) 776-6933
Kenneth Maclean, age 45
#43 |
Takeshi Maeda
Stephen Marcini
#45 |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Christine M Masse, age 57
Lauren R Mattison
(617) 623-1372
Holly Mazza, age 55
Edward Mccaffrey
#3 |
(781) 856-9449
Occupation: Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
David E Mcmanus, age 48
E Miller |
(617) 625-3809
Elizabeth D Miller, age 63
(617) 591-1200
Rebecca L Miller, age 51
(617) 591-1200
T Morikawa |
(617) 623-8202
Fazeela Morshed, age 79
#40 |
(617) 776-9416
A R Muchow, age 79 |
(617) 628-9556
Angela R Muchow, age 51
Dane Murdock, age 52
Fatema Muyeed, age 82
Kevin C Nochols, age 79
(617) 623-6314
Pat M Obst, age 80
(617) 764-1942
Victoria L Obst, age 48
(617) 764-1942
Misao Ogano, age 64
Akiko Ogasawara, age 47
Akimitsu Okamoto, age 55
C Pagano |
(617) 623-5313
H Pai |
(617) 629-7701
Deborah A Palmer
#30 |
(617) 764-5911
Jason L Parker, age 55
#30 |
(617) 623-0524
Nayan S Patel
(617) 629-4642
Subhash R Patel, age 74
E Pearce |
(617) 623-1175
Anthony Pecci, age 92
Mary Pecci, age 119
Mandy Perrault, age 45
#20 |
Education: Associate degree or higher
Christopher J Petrillo
#25 |
(781) 284-5805
Page Pickering, age 58
Stacey A Pintar
A Platte |
(617) 623-3023
Rosanne M Procopio, age 81
#31 |
(617) 623-7692
N Purushotham |
Madan Ramakrishnan
(617) 666-1486
Jason K Redi
(617) 629-0233
Brendon P Rhoades, age 41
#24 |
Kyle Rinehart, age 53
(617) 629-2146
Maureen L Roihl, age 50
Yale Saltzman
(617) 625-0290
Brian J Sawers, age 51
#42 |
Occupation: Professional Specialty Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Catherine Sawers
#42 |
Larry B Sawers
Esi Sekyiamah
#4 |
M Seriu, age 79 |
(617) 591-1482
A Shelzi |
(617) 666-8981
Antonia Shelzi
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Alice K Shepard, age 83
John K Shepard, age 85
Marlena H Shin
(617) 629-0067
David M Simon, age 51
(617) 610-8285
Occupation: Healthcare Support Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
James J Sloboda
Candice Smith, age 55
#24 |
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Grace So
(617) 605-3752
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Hiroshi Sone
(617) 628-0457
M Sooboda, age 79 |
(617) 591-9331
Jan W Spitzer
Nancy A Spitzer, age 79
Jennifer Nichole Stapleton, age 57
#3 |
Erica Stein
(617) 628-8553
Laura Anne Stuart
Jennifer Tattenbaum, age 79
(617) 623-5271
Kathleen Taylor
(617) 623-8668
M Terahira |
(617) 776-6078
Mary Timby
#45 |
Jeffrey Townsend, age 37
#36 |
(302) 234-4216 |
Grigoriy Ushomirskiy
#33 |
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Gregory Ushomirsky, age 53
#33 |
(617) 776-6888
Hendrik Vandermeer
Jose Vilaclara
(617) 666-3099
Tiffany Wade
(617) 620-2852
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Cheng C Wang
#44 |
(617) 628-0356
Connie Warloe
Constance Warloe
(617) 628-8444
Julie K Warner
#33 |
(617) 591-2005
Edie B Weinstein, age 79
(617) 625-2474
Laura B Weinstein, age 50
(617) 625-2474
Abigail F Weissman
(617) 623-2611
Barbara N Weissman, age 80
(617) 623-2611
Irving L Weissman, age 83
(617) 623-2611
Yan Wu
#6 |
M Wyer |
(617) 666-5315
Melissa Wyer
Simeon C Zawistowski, age 51
Yue Zhu
(617) 628-3106