Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Nicole E Anderson, age 54
(203) 878-7571
Elisabeth I Arthur, age 81
(203) 878-7571
Tom Arthur, age 54
(203) 878-7571
Stacie Lynn Baldwin
#J 3 |
Barbara L Barkin, age 94
#2A |
Gary Bellard
(203) 795-3853
Irene Benigno
(203) 874-0756
Phyllis Boynton, age 78
#3A |
Occupation: Medical Professional
Education: Associate degree or higher
Robert Boynton, age 85
#3A |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Graduate or professional degree
James W Bruton
#3F |
(203) 249-1199
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jim Bruton
(203) 882-0261
C Bryant |
(203) 882-9378
Josephine Cardascia
#2N |
(804) 355-5315 |
Nicholas Cardascia
#2N |
(804) 355-5315 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Margaret E Carmella
Jenna R Carroll, age 45
#3C |
A Chen |
(203) 877-6858
Laura Chrissey, age 54
#2M |
Education: Associate degree or higher
Mary T Conkling
(203) 878-9393
Beverly J Couch, age 78
(203) 876-8527
Glenn R Perry
(203) 876-8527
Isabel M Perry, age 76
(203) 876-8527
Kenneth Cretella
Lara A Crissey
#2M |
(203) 249-4361
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Melissa Daprile
#2E |
Occupation: Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Arup Dastidar
(203) 882-0412
Ian Delaney
Greg F Deyoe
(203) 878-7645
Gregory F Deyoe
Christopher A Dinkins, age 51
#2F |
Elaine Dworkin, age 96
(203) 878-3419
Detelin S Elenkova, age 67
(203) 876-2679
Inna Elenkova
(203) 876-2679
Irina Elenkova
#2N |
(203) 876-2679
Occupation: Farming-Forestry Occupation
Irini P Elenkova, age 67
(203) 876-2679
Heather Elsesser
#2E |
Janeen R Engle, age 51
Stephanie I Ferenc
Lance Gada
(203) 301-0608
Mary E Geda, age 50
#1H |
(203) 301-0608
Lance Geda
#1H |
S Gosky |
(214) 222-1567 |
Scott R Gosky, age 62
#2J |
(203) 878-6514
Albert F Guerrera, age 83
(203) 876-1901
Matz Gustavsson
(203) 877-7682
Leslie M Hafner, age 46
Bradley G Hamelin, age 55
Maria C Hamelin, age 55
Bruce C Hoag, age 81
#3M |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Abida Hoque
#1A |
(631) 864-2784 |
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Rafaz Hoque, age 49
#1A |
(631) 864-2784 |
Romy Hoque
#1A |
(631) 864-2784 |
C Hsu |
Chih Hung Hsu
#3J |
(203) 878-7752
Chih-Hung H Hsu
#3J |
(203) 878-7752
Collie E James, age 68
(703) 739-9377 |
Chris C Johnson
#2 C |
Leah Kahan
(203) 877-7521
Andrew Keitley
(203) 877-2484
Kathryn Kelly, age 42
#3D |
(203) 878-4043
Katie A Lane, age 47
#3D |
(203) 878-4043
Peter Kelly, age 58
#2D |
(203) 257-0076
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Mary L Kevitt, age 98
Lois Krom
(203) 878-6102
Van W Lott, age 88
#1F |
(203) 878-6102
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Friedrich C Mauer
(203) 878-6102
Philip A Lalonde, age 54
Katherine A Lane, age 47
#1M |
(617) 248-0698
Daniel M Lee
#2 L |
(973) 326-9056 |
Benjamin Levy, age 113
#2E |
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Ray Litchman, age 101
#2C |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Sandra London, age 82
#3H |
(203) 878-0821
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Barbara Lott, age 87
#1F |
(203) 253-5469
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
A Luvara |
(203) 783-0895
E Luvara |
(203) 783-0895
L Stevenson |
(203) 783-0895
Dennis C Lynch, age 68
#3H |
Mary M Maloney, age 53
#3L |
(203) 253-2974
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Nilesh R Mandhare
Aldo A Mannino, age 51
(203) 878-1560
Donald C Mccollum
Gail A Mead, age 63
Diane M Merkle, age 63
#2H |
(203) 645-0186
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Meaghan M Miles, age 37
#2B |
James S Mill, age 53
#2F |
(203) 882-9669
Patricia Minotti, age 77
#3L |
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
David Mogilevski
#2J |
(203) 783-9869
Dmitn Mogilevski
#2J |
(203) 783-9869
Dmitri Mogilevski
#2J |
(203) 783-9869
Natalya Mogilevski
#2J |
(203) 783-9869
Stephen P Mulholland, age 58
Scott M Neville, age 48
(203) 783-3978
Staci C Neville, age 47
(203) 783-3978
Joseph Newman, age 49
#1K |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Marc Newman, age 46
#1K |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Canmella A Ogorman, age 74
(203) 876-8026
John J Ogorman, age 76
(203) 876-8026
Walter A Ortoleva
#3 A |
(203) 878-2137
Birgitte E Rasine, age 54
#3 A |
(203) 878-2137
George J Zanazzi
#3 A |
(203) 878-2137
Bennett L Pardue, age 39
#1G |
Andres Parra
(203) 877-2946
Devanshi Patel, age 92
Sonal Patel
(203) 878-6989
Occupation: Service Occupations
Maura K Pendleton, age 48
(203) 876-8650
Fred G Perkins
Anthony L Perna, age 98
#1C |
(203) 878-8388
Florence D Perna, age 86
(203) 878-8388
Richard L Perna, age 56
#1C |
(203) 878-8388
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
J Pullis |
(203) 877-2081
Jeannine Quinn, age 83
#1L |
Cathy M Rice
(203) 878-8108
Michael C Rice
#1L |
(203) 878-8108
Steven H Riggins
(203) 878-7542
Pam Riggs
(203) 878-7542
Steven Dale Riggs
(203) 878-7542
Patrizia Rinaldi, age 51
Charles P Rippert
Hugo A Saavedra
B Safdar |
(203) 882-9911
Basmah Safdar
(203) 882-9911
Mary E Sama, age 67
#3G |
(203) 878-8677
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
James Schimdt
#1B |
(203) 878-0535
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jose Sebastian
#1L |
Anad Sethupathy
(203) 783-0651
Anand Sethupathy, age 48
(203) 783-0651
Mahalakshm Sethupathy, age 73
(203) 783-0651
Nosrat Sharifi
#1H |
Rajeshwar N Sharma
(203) 882-9794
Brian I Simonette, age 67
(203) 882-8210
Margaret I Simonette, age 64
(203) 882-8210
Liane C Soukup, age 49
(203) 783-0558
Karen J Stone
Chris Strok, age 61
(203) 878-4246
Hildegard Szokol
(203) 876-8299
M Tarascio |
(203) 877-5565
Matthew J Tarascio, age 49
(203) 877-5565
S Tarascio |
(203) 877-5565
Sharon Tarascio
(203) 877-5565
Andrew Taylor, age 71
#3E |
(203) 730-9544
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: High school graduate or higher
Igor Trogan, age 51
James Trudean
#1J |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
James E Trudeau
Anupama Upadya, age 52
(203) 876-9044
Shrikanth P Upadya, age 57
Venkata Vadrevu
(203) 877-2893
W Vanlott |
S Weatherbee |
(203) 783-9907
Scott D Weatherbee, age 53
(203) 783-9907
P Webb |
(203) 882-1587
Belinda Welti, age 65
#2K |
Elaine R Whitney, age 49
(203) 288-0280
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Ann M Williams, age 85
(203) 877-1996
Norton T Williams
(203) 877-1996
Tom N Williams, age 91
(203) 877-1996
Lara A Witheril
#2M |
(203) 882-9336
Valerie Yergeau
(203) 878-2193
Shaza G Zayzafoon, age 58
(203) 878-4115