Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Mohammad Alghawas
(617) 479-9588
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Adel A Alrumaihi
Jennifer Amedy, age 45
#2111 |
(617) 472-5452
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Associate degree or higher
Jessica Anderson, age 45
#2322 |
Roy Antony
(617) 481-0833
Dominique Arant
Sean Avery
#2323 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial
Brenda Ayotte
#2331 |
Occupation: Personal Care and Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Christine L Ayotte, age 50
Doris A Ayotte, age 71
Edward T Ayotte, age 71
Francisco Azcarate
(617) 472-0097
Amy C Badger
#2132 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Philip Badger
#2132 |
Holly Balestrieri
Eileen M Barry
(617) 773-0951
Daisy A Batista
Emily B Beard, age 44
Jason A Beard, age 48
Judy L Beard, age 77
W Benjamin |
(617) 984-1817
Jeffrey Beresford
(617) 770-7637
Cory Bocach
#2102 |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Brendan S Bottari, age 57
(617) 773-1859
Christine Bourassa
(617) 481-9921
Jennie H Brooks
(617) 773-0970
Tim Brown, age 46
#2314 |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Craig Canup
(617) 479-8856
Daniel R Cardinal, age 43
(617) 786-9196
Roger J Cardinal, age 74
(617) 786-9196
Vivian B Cardinal, age 74
(617) 786-9196
Amy Carignan
#2124 |
Amy D Cerasuolo, age 49
(617) 689-0579
Pat M Cerasuolo, age 78
#2333 |
(617) 689-0579
Paul F Cerasuolo, age 78
(617) 689-0579
Claudy Charles
(617) 689-0579
Rayna Charles
(617) 689-0579
Julie A Williams, age 62
(617) 689-0579
Phyllis Williams
(617) 689-0579
Patricia M Cerasuolo
Carol M Charette, age 67
#2332 |
Occupation: Private Household Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
William B Charette, age 66
#2332 |
Occupation: Private Household Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Christopher Chase
(617) 302-3411
David Chew
(617) 472-6243
Steven Chung, age 44
#2313 |
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jonathan Considine
(617) 471-7433
Gregory Cowen
#2102 |
Jeanne D Cowen, age 77
Rafael Damasio
Raphel Damasio
(617) 773-1647
Raghava Datla
#2312 |
Ellen Delano, age 75
#2231 |
Education: Associate degree or higher
Subodh Dhussa
(617) 302-4753
Brian C Dibartolomeo, age 53
Eric Digons, age 54
#2307 |
(617) 302-2277
Carol G Dvorak, age 82
(617) 328-9774
S Graebener |
(617) 328-9774
Jenn Edwards, age 55
(617) 302-4327
Jennifer J Edwards, age 48
#2324 |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Associate degree or higher
Robert E Edwards
Julie A Eldridge, age 69
Peter B Eldridge, age 49
Claire Flaherty
#2134 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
John Fowler, age 48
#2313 |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Florine Goddard
(617) 481-9389
Senthil K Gopal
(617) 405-4089
Senthilkumar Gopal
#2312 |
Noel F Grandas
(617) 471-1308
C E Grebey |
(617) 773-8559
Alfred G Harrington
(617) 328-3258
Pearl I Harrington, age 103
D Heath |
(617) 773-7703
Gregory J Heath
(617) 773-7703
Brian A Hebert, age 67
(617) 769-0498
Robyn Hemmert, age 47
#2222 |
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: High school graduate or higher
Jeannie E Herleth, age 54
Beth A Hetrick, age 51
Elisabeth A Hetrick
Douglas J Hibbs
Cherie D Hoga, age 49
#2323 |
Occupation: Medical Professional
Education: Associate degree or higher
Rory Holleran
J Holloway |
(617) 472-1318
Javed Hussain
(617) 471-4873
Janice Ingegneri
#2332 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Nora M Ingle, age 32
#2113 |
E Jaeger |
(617) 472-3680
Sandeep Jagini
(617) 770-0587
Haekyung H Joh, age 60
Sheba N Jones, age 52
Sheba Jones-Miller
Bruce Jordan
#2114 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
B A Jordanb |
(617) 770-9452
Quintana G Jorge
(617) 773-5064
Jorge G Quintana
(617) 773-5064
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Hala Kabbarah
Omar Kabbarah, age 51
(617) 471-6148
Sheila A Keenan, age 55
(617) 773-4970
Ellen Keith
(617) 479-5829
John S Khayali, age 50
#2122 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Megan Khayali, age 49
Inbok Kim
(617) 328-0924
Jooyoung Kim
#2123 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Christian Koether, age 50
Alan G Krantz, age 72
Wendy S Kruse
Brian L Lemire, age 47
(617) 743-8051
Marjorie L Lemire, age 75
(617) 743-8051
Juan Liao
#2232 |
Dean D Lusted, age 96
#2123 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Michael Lyons
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Kenneth Macdonald
#2311 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Mark Macdonald
#2311 |
Rita A Macdonald, age 102
#2311 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Stephen Macdonald
Paula Magnanti, age 65
(617) 786-1904
Kavita V Mamtora
Kerri L Marino, age 56
Traci A Marino, age 58
Brent Mason
(617) 770-1078
Keith Mayo, age 53
#2102 |
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Diane Mccormick
#2334 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Megan L Mercier, age 57
(617) 773-2197
Lincoln D Miller, age 54
(617) 302-4998
Lincon D Miller, age 54
Lawrence N Mirsky
(617) 770-1948
Nuhu G Mohammed, age 66
Mabel Mottau, age 77
Michael J Mottau, age 47
Robert E Mottau, age 76
Robt E Mottau, age 52
Ahmed Mubarak, age 48
Tuyen Nguyen
(617) 481-5237
Errols S Oriol, age 67
Antony Paley
Sara Parent
#2331 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
David Perillo
(617) 302-3478
David Pires
(617) 302-2942
S Plunkett |
Anand Ramasamy
(617) 302-2289
Keila A Ramos
(617) 471-4987
Keila A Ramos-Torres
(617) 471-4987
Brian H Ray, age 54
Sylvia K Ray, age 74
Julie Reed, age 65
#2132 |
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
James L Renalde, age 54
(617) 786-9914
Robert F Rizzo
Susan Robertson, age 71
(617) 773-8233
Melinda A Rothstein, age 51
Melissa Ruscio
#2111 |
Patricia J Rush, age 61
(617) 471-2197
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Venkat Sankaran
(617) 302-4400
Venkateswaran Sankaran
(617) 302-4400
Tejus Sheth
(617) 471-2678
Gwendolyn L Smith, age 49
Tara M Spellacy, age 48
Joan M Sullivan, age 89
(617) 471-7505
Roy J Szabady
Patricia Terry
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Vijaya Thiagarajan
#2312 |
Todd R Timmerman, age 48
#2331 |
Danna S Torre
(617) 842-0788
Wade Torres
(617) 842-0788
Keila Torres
J L Vautour |
Vasu Veeramachaneni
(617) 302-2604
Dustin Weir, age 42
#2334 |
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Faye Weir, age 66
#2334 |
Occupation: Administration/Managerial
Education: Associate degree or higher
Jamilla White
(617) 479-7667
Jack Wholey, age 77
#2309 |
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Cynthia Wisneski, age 72
(617) 773-5183
Kenneth Wisneski, age 65
(617) 773-5183
Jennelle E Yopchick, age 40
#2133 |