Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Donna Albright, age 56
Edward J Albright
Danielle Altic
(203) 405-3126
Chris M Anderson
(203) 263-0637
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Andria M Passaro
(203) 263-0637
Gale J Barnes, age 73
(203) 266-4042
Leslie Basile
#3-1 |
(203) 770-6407
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Christopher C Beauchemin, age 48
(203) 770-6310
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Fintan P Beirne, age 58
(203) 264-5265
Adam Bellagamba
(203) 405-3022
Star L Bellagamba, age 46
#1-303 |
Crystal Brenner
(203) 263-4421
F Brinkhuis |
(203) 266-0071
Christophe Britton
(203) 263-0342
Bethanie R Burr
(203) 263-7750
Cheryl Cable
(203) 263-7660
Gary Calder
#2-202 |
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
E Cartmell #2-203 |
(203) 263-0255
Keith Halstead
#2-203 |
(203) 263-0255
Diane C Celello, age 52
(203) 263-6820
Education: High school graduate or higher
A Cenkolli |
(203) 266-4222
D Cenkolli |
(203) 266-4222
Engiell Cenkolli
(203) 263-8517
Engjell Cenkolli
(203) 770-6151
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Shiva Chakilam
#2-106 |
(203) 405-1294
Betsy Chiffert, age 72
#1-301 |
(203) 263-6059
Occupation: Personal Care and Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Christina F Coddington, age 44
#2-305 |
(203) 263-8089
Francis Cole
(203) 266-0426
Gail Connors
#209 |
(203) 266-9285
Gail A Gordon
#209 |
(203) 266-9285
Alicia Constantino
(203) 263-6458
David Cronin
#2-101 |
(203) 263-0220
Donald E Cushman
(203) 263-8519
Brian R Cyr
(203) 266-0570
Candace S Daley, age 52
Andrew R Davies, age 67
(203) 788-7234
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Dennis Lee Day
#1-202 |
(818) 363-4315 |
D M Dearington #2-201 |
(203) 263-0451
Deborah M Dearington, age 102
#2-201 |
(203) 263-0451
Deborah Dearington
#201 |
(203) 788-7196
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Edward Demison
#1-301 |
(203) 405-3274
G Denison |
(203) 263-1917
Eivilin Donnarumma
(203) 263-0002
Dana Donohue
#1-101 |
(203) 263-8564
Matthew J Doyle, age 57
#3-3 |
(203) 223-4310
Tierna Dragomani
#204 |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Adriana Espinosa
(203) 405-1859
Barbara Etcheto
(203) 263-6640
David B Fannings, age 75
Angelo Farenga
(203) 263-0815
Barbara Fielding
#1 |
Candace S Figueroa
(203) 263-6564
Chris Ford, age 76
#3-5 |
(203) 263-8950
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Denise M Ford, age 53
Doreen Ford
David French
(203) 788-7392
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Carlos Fuentes
Jyothi Geda
#1-204 |
Mona Ghounem
#1-207 |
(203) 266-4445
Anthony Gimbut
(203) 405-1804
Ann Goodness
#3 |
(203) 788-8448
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Elizabeth A Goulart, age 56
(203) 263-0841
Lisa Goulart
#1-106 |
(203) 788-8434
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Doreen Greco, age 65
(203) 405-1906
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
Jennifer A Greene, age 53
#2 ST N 106 |
(203) 740-2378
Adam Greenhill
(203) 405-1275
Linda Greenhill, age 70
Occupation: Medical Professional
Education: Associate degree or higher
Ron Greytak
#2-308 |
(203) 405-3011
Franklin G Hamilton, age 84
(203) 263-3365
Cheyenne Harper
Anne M Harrigan, age 62
#2-205 |
(860) 309-6669
Brian W Hart
(203) 263-4154
Benjamin Harwood
(203) 263-4124
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Madelia Hickman
#3-03 |
(203) 788-8694
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Linda Hill, age 59
#2-104 |
Education: Associate degree or higher
Robert Horan, age 89
#2-204 |
(203) 263-0633
Education: Graduate or professional degree
James J Hornyak
#5 |
Dave T Horree
David T Horree
#2-109 |
(203) 788-8861
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Susan Humphreys
#2-301 |
(203) 405-3395
Marc Imbimbo, age 44
#1-205 |
(203) 405-3443
F Irete |
(203) 263-0588
Carrie E Jacobs, age 51
Sai Jangiti
#1-104 |
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: High school graduate or higher
Gary R June, age 60
#1-108 |
Mariya Kachmar
#3-07 |
(203) 788-9096
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Michele A Kann, age 44
#1-307 |
E Kolenda |
(203) 758-1395
Elizabeth H Kolenda
(203) 263-6174
Kathryn Kramer, age 36
#1-102 |
Becky Laboudy
(203) 266-7223
Robert Lavoie, age 35
#3-7 |
(860) 651-1487
Carol Leake
(203) 263-5482
Jack Leake
#2 |
(203) 788-9476
John J Leo, age 59
#106 |
Brendan Lillie
(203) 263-4731
Donna F Lobstein, age 78
(203) 263-2649
G Longi |
(203) 263-0237
Gertrude Longi
#207 |
(203) 788-9741
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Forest S Love, age 72
#3-8 |
(203) 263-8504
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Forest Love
#B3-8 |
(203) 788-9681
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Carlos Lovos, age 44
(203) 263-6874
Deborah N Mace, age 58
#305 |
(203) 744-6274
Ernest P Magyar
Mariya Makar
#1-206 |
(203) 788-9426
Occupation: Production Occupations
Erin Malins
Angelo Marrero
(203) 263-0267
Constan Mastrogiannis
(203) 263-2827
Charles B Mckee
(203) 263-2964
Bill J Meade, age 43
(203) 405-3066
Flyn Mendes
(203) 263-4456
Arman Minassian
Brendan Moore, age 41
(203) 405-1668
Carlos Morales
(203) 263-5073
Brian H Mowrey, age 71
(203) 263-2172
C Murly #307 |
(203) 266-4572
Deborah Nelson
Doreen M Obrien, age 57
#202 |
Agim Omeri
(203) 770-7608
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Ardian Omeri
#1-103 |
(203) 263-3420
Justin W Ongley
#2-306 |
(203) 405-1179
Matthew Orienter
#1-208 |
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Suraj Pabbathi
#1-308 |
(203) 405-3755
Balaji Pabbisetty
(203) 405-3256
Renee C Palmisani
#101 |
(203) 263-5019
Andrea R Panarisi, age 50
(203) 263-3036
Ethelyn Patti
Carolyn Peck
#2-309 |
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Mark D Penta
#2-304 |
(203) 263-8041
Andres Perez, age 39
#1-201 |
Becky B Petro, age 51
(203) 263-4340
Diane Pirro
(203) 263-3230
Kara Lynn Poulin
#109 |
(203) 263-7295
Adam Prescott
(203) 263-0202
Runnie R Prince, age 33
#2-302 |
(203) 405-3573
Beverley J Proctor, age 77
#302 |
(802) 875-4311
Charles Augustus Rener, age 79
David W Richards
#305 |
(203) 934-0014
Sandra M Richardson, age 61
#2-206 |
(203) 263-0843
John K Rodriguez
#2-303 |
(203) 405-3427
April Rowland
(203) 263-8968
Ely Ruiz, age 54
#2-208 |
Occupation: Financial Professional
Education: High school graduate or higher
Andrea Vincent Sant, age 77
#8 |
(203) 263-5241
Jennifer Santerre
#1-305 |
Scott Sawchyn, age 64
#2-101 |
(203) 266-7440
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Chester W Seavey, age 74
(203) 263-6979
Albert Selmani
#B2208 |
(203) 592-6290
Becir Selmani
Daut Selmani, age 52
#1-201 |
(203) 263-8038
Etem Selmani, age 82
#1-201 |
(203) 263-8038
Jeremiah C Seward, age 50
#309 |
Cyndi Shea
#3-2 |
Cynthia A Shea
#3-2 |
Cynthia A Shea, age 62
#302 |
David Shea
(203) 263-7435
Jacqueline Shelnut
#102 |
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Elizabeth A Sheridan, age 72
(203) 263-4622
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Donald J Sherwood
(203) 263-4546
Michael Shugrue, age 47
#3-6 |
(860) 274-6671
Catherine A Skurat, age 79
Shawn Slattery
#108 108 |
(203) 405-1780
Amanda Sturges
(203) 263-6078
Adriana A Swanzy, age 58
Lauren Swensen, age 45
Education: Associate degree or higher
Anthony Tauro
(203) 263-5764
Chris D Tiesler, age 57
(203) 263-6290
Janine M Tomsic, age 55
#7 |
(203) 778-9608
Cynthia O Toro, age 54
(203) 405-1626
Lauren Tucker
#2-207 |
(203) 405-1540
Crissy Ukers
#3-2 |
(203) 405-1015
Chrissy Yukers
#3-2 |
(203) 405-1015
Carmine J Verno, age 107
#302 |
(203) 263-4196
Elaine Vittorini
(203) 263-6576
Brian W Voland
(203) 263-6017
A Volovsek |
(203) 263-6098
Ellen P Wadelton, age 50
#206 |
(203) 263-6881
Dan I Walton
(203) 266-0329
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Daniel P Walton-Ii
Joan Waterhouse
#203 |
(203) 770-9426
Occupation: Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers, and Laborers Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
B Waters |
(203) 405-1550
Becky E Waters, age 44
(203) 405-1550
Elizabeth A Wendel, age 66
(203) 266-4344
Damian M Wilhelm
(203) 263-3781
Don Zemo
(203) 263-7349