Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
C E Alger, age 64 |
Steven Andriola
Alison A Apfel, age 49
#24 |
(617) 738-4146
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Julie K Armstrong, age 59
#22 |
Christine E Auterio, age 57
Kenneth J Auterio, age 82
Maureen C Auterio, age 84
Noreen M Auterio, age 61
Melinda C Aveni
#21 |
Karen Baldoza, age 65
Kevin T Banks
(617) 232-4394
J B Bender |
(617) 738-5642
Michelle A Bertagna
Mark Berven
(617) 734-2895
John A Borah, age 65
Betsey F Borden, age 75
Marjory E Borkow, age 71
(617) 738-9004
Y Brodskiy, age 65 |
Yevgeniy Brodskiy, age 65
(617) 734-7038
Dianne W Brody
(617) 278-9089
Melissa W Brody, age 46
#26 |
(617) 278-9089
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Susan S Brody, age 61
(617) 278-9089
Laural J Brody, age 65
(617) 739-0546
Deborah E Brown, age 69
(617) 914-1893
Diana M Bruen, age 49
Brook V Bryant, age 65
(617) 975-3741
Christina M Cabral, age 48
(617) 713-3787
Ian Cain
(617) 566-8457
Jared M Castiglione, age 47
#35 |
Michele A Cedrone
Dan Chapman, age 86
#41 |
(617) 512-1645
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Kuntala Cheng
#831 |
Raymond Cheng
B Choquette |
(617) 278-9076
Alexandra Safron
(617) 278-9076
Brian W Clark, age 55
(617) 734-2092
Philip A Cohen
David Crawford
#31 |
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Seth J Cutter
Benjamin Dake
#31 |
(402) 435-1068 |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Patrick Dean, age 71
#21 |
Occupation: Craftsman/Blue Collar
Andrew Deery, age 56
John A Deery
Krystin A Degenhardt, age 65
Ryan Edward
#847 |
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Alayna Edwards, age 65
Tamsin J Elias, age 48
Jane S Fischbein, age 60
#33 |
(617) 738-9392
Andrew R Trust Fischer, age 62
#27 |
Rochelle D Fisher, age 84
#46 |
(617) 232-5440
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Julie Franzone, age 65
Julie Franzoni
(617) 734-0925
Nate Frazee, age 65
Rachel Gambiza
(617) 566-1708
Jacqueline S Gange, age 50
#7 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Arvind Garawal
#2 |
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Al Ghayour
(617) 732-1579
Ali Ghayour
(617) 732-1579
All Ghayour
(617) 732-1579
Bijan Ghayour
(617) 732-1579
Emily L Gill, age 46
#6 |
(617) 734-1185
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Brooke Gordinier
J Goren, age 63 |
Gabe A Gottlieb, age 48
L M Green |
David C Grimes
#6 |
Debra Gayle Hanson, age 68
#41 |
Daniel Hardoff
Sherilyn L Hausey, age 67
#22 |
(617) 730-5867
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Sherri L Hausey, age 65
#22 |
(617) 730-5867
David A Heid, age 45
(617) 734-8141
Katherine S Heid, age 48
(617) 734-8141
Ralph C Heid, age 77
(617) 734-8141
Elena Henkin
#25 |
Eric W Holt, age 79
(617) 277-4629
Casey J Horton
#35 |
(617) 487-8172
Janet C Hundley, age 93
#34 |
(212) 739-7242 |
Edward Hyman, age 64
(617) 735-0922
Carol M Ivins
(617) 975-1566
K Schade, age 79 |
(617) 975-1566
Christy Sigurski
(617) 975-1566
J Ivins |
Nancy S Ivins, age 83
Mark H Jacoff, age 65
#5 |
Alex Jones
#41 |
David E Jones, age 69
(617) 739-5896
Moisey Kaplun
#37 |
(617) 872-8660
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Moysey M Kaplun, age 87
(617) 232-4614
Nataliya V Kaplun, age 65
(617) 232-4614
Charles Katz
(617) 738-7844
Alexander Katzenelson
#44 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Alexander Katznelson, age 65
#844 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial
Education: Associate degree or higher
Ann Katznelson, age 49
Jennifer Kehoe, age 49
#21 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Maureen A Kehoe, age 79
Richard M Kehoe, age 81
Paul J Kerrigan, age 74
Sherry Keyles, age 65
Frances A Kienzle, age 63
Randi Kravitz
Susan Krueger, age 62
(617) 731-4806
Ronald P Langlois, age 72
Jane P Laster, age 87
#31 |
Ami Lattab, age 65
Leonid Libenson
#37 |
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Leonid Libenzon
#37 |
Leonid Libenzon
#837 |
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Khristophe Lorenza
Khristopher Lorenza, age 46
David Maloney, age 59
Stephen Maloney, age 66
#1 |
(617) 739-6721
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Craig A Margolis, age 66
(617) 232-7505
Sandra Martin
#23 |
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Jason E Mathog, age 48
#4 |
(617) 789-4261
Education: Associate degree or higher
Mary E Mccann, age 74
#47 |
(617) 734-1105
Elvia D Mccormack, age 58
Gail A Michaelson
#36 |
(617) 505-5988
Michael J Moor, age 65
(617) 731-4923
Michael Moore, age 47
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
S Morton |
Mat Mrva, age 65
(617) 731-4752
Matthew J Mrva, age 65
Brett A Myerson, age 50
Kira B Myerson, age 52
(617) 264-7396
Susan B Myerson, age 82
Geoffrey Neilsen
(617) 383-5270
Stacey Nelson, age 59
#45 |
N Noria, age 65 |
Sonja Olson
(617) 515-4815
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Lucia P Ortiz, age 63
#42 |
(617) 731-2554
A Otsuka |
(617) 734-4044
Nancy S Pallesen, age 81
Peter J Pallesen
Judith C Peckham, age 65
(617) 734-2781
Rubens Peixinho
(617) 731-8430
J Perdigao |
(617) 738-1433
Daniel Petkanas, age 37
#6 |
Eugene V Popkov, age 55
Elena Popkova, age 55
Kobi Raz, age 65
Mark D Richardson, age 58
Louis Rizio, age 57
(617) 277-7180
R B Robert |
John C Rogaris
#831 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Robert Roll
Aaron D Rosenweig, age 42
#26 |
Edward F Ryan, age 65
#47 |
(617) 738-0328
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Chandrika N Samarth
#43 |
Michelle Sauve
#33 |
(617) 515-8414
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Karen A Schumacher, age 68
Robert W Seifert, age 62
Faramarz Shivamehr
Doronit Shlank
Natalie B Sigurski, age 79
Sydney C Sigurski, age 47
Constance Spritzler
#5 |
John G Spritzler, age 78
(617) 566-9637
Greg P Steed, age 74
#3 |
(617) 566-0558
Gregg Steed, age 65
Gregory Steed
#3 |
(617) 529-6194
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Gretchen Stubenhaus
#23 |
(617) 278-9085
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Russell W Todd
S Trachtenberg |
(617) 277-6193
John P Tuli
June P Waggener, age 74
Kristen B Westveer, age 65
(617) 566-0487
Betty A White, age 65
(617) 731-5648
Eliazabeth A White
(617) 731-5648
Elizabeth C White, age 54
(617) 731-5648
Yaffa C Willner, age 73
#32 |
(617) 232-5151
Occupation: Administration/Managerial
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Wendy M Winckler, age 52
(617) 734-3378
Joann S Witek, age 74
#45 |
T Yamamoto |
(617) 731-1462
Weiying Yang
#2 |