Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Jennifer Allora
#32 |
(617) 864-1534
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Robt Altman
Michael T Baehr, age 53
(617) 491-3929
Jeffery P Barton, age 58
#24 |
(617) 547-5440
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Claire Berlioz
(617) 491-1510
Margalit J Berman
(617) 491-8305
Alexandera Bermudez, age 50
#29 |
Education: High school graduate or higher
Michael Brittain
(617) 491-6310
Gabe R Caggiano
#31 |
Gregory M Cass, age 42
#10 |
Kirsten Cavallo
#21 |
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Cassie Chandler
(617) 714-5575
Logan Chieffo
#32 |
Jennifer A Conlin, age 65
Dean G Copans, age 48
(617) 576-3337
Michael Corcoran
(617) 576-6576
Jason Crain
(617) 441-4073
John J Crapo, age 87
R J Cronin |
Jane M Cummings, age 51
#11 |
(507) 281-9994 |
Meredith G Curtiss, age 54
(617) 497-7769
Lisa Daniliuk, age 55
Lisa Daniluk
Domenic Debenedetto, age 69
#4 |
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Dominic C Debenedetto, age 69
(617) 492-6163
Lena Debenedetto, age 103
(617) 492-6163
Nicholas A Debenedetto, age 106
(617) 492-6163
Matt Donohue
#5 |
Jessica Duncun
(617) 441-0017
Cindi Eckstein
(617) 868-5145
R Neis, age 79 |
(617) 868-5145
Cindy Eckstein
Christopher Egleson, age 48
(617) 868-0858
Abigail H Emison, age 44
Jacob H Epstein
#24 |
Richardo Exantus
(617) 590-7841
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
N G Farnham, age 58 |
Edward H Ferguson, age 85
Melinda Ferguson
(617) 441-2175
Daniel Flaherty
#26 |
(617) 590-8355
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Julie Flaherty
#26 |
(617) 943-7819
Nick A Formisano
Nancy C Fox, age 57
Christophe S Frnka, age 49
Christopher S Frnka, age 49
(617) 492-2958
Pablo A Gainza, age 58
#12 |
(617) 354-9286
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Francisca Gallegos, age 49
#26 |
Nancy L Gardner
Abigail Gindele, age 65
(617) 497-2298
Kenneth A Glaser, age 110
Gail Goldman, age 42
#31 |
Marion J Goldstein, age 48
(617) 492-4699
Angelynn Grant, age 69
#1 |
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Josephine Grant, age 91
#1 |
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Joseph E Griffin, age 91
R Guest |
(617) 868-2734
Robyn M Guest, age 48
(617) 547-1969
John F Gurry, age 80
(617) 547-7418
Catherine Ham, age 47
(617) 492-1543
Paul S Ham, age 49
(617) 492-1543
P O Hanby |
(617) 497-1455
Christine E Hathaway, age 46
P E Hickey, age 59 |
John W Horkan, age 54
Mary L Hyde, age 63
#7 |
(617) 491-2946
Hideki Itakura, age 53
Roger A Jones, age 78
(617) 441-0797
Emir Kamenica, age 47
Anne R Kelly, age 104
#18 |
Aileen B Kevane, age 74
Kristin Kohler
Julie S Lavin, age 58
Janet R Lee
Donald O Legier, age 76
Kathleen M Litke, age 50
Katie Litke, age 79
(617) 547-6588
J Macht |
K Maggiacomo |
(781) 662-1444
Katherine A Maggiacomo, age 75
Kristen Maggiacomo
#12A |
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
C Magliano, age 80 |
(617) 441-8776
Noah J Magrisso, age 49
Ekaterina V Maher, age 49
#25 |
(617) 491-4907
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Jacqueline A Maher, age 87
(617) 491-4907
Robert C Maher, age 53
#25 |
(617) 491-4907
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Joann D Sesholtz, age 64
(617) 491-4907
Ginny Martin, age 51
#19 |
(617) 782-1269
D Mccue |
(617) 491-0393
Daniel T Mccue, age 48
#30 |
(617) 491-0393
Meg Onishi
(617) 491-0393
Megumi Onishi, age 46
(617) 491-0393
John R Mcdowell, age 67
#3 |
(617) 864-5970
Occupation: Administration/Managerial
Education: Associate degree or higher
E Mcguire |
(617) 868-5397
Liz Mcleod, age 39
(617) 714-3436
Paul Mcpheeters
K Medich |
(617) 864-8015
Emily Mueller, age 55
(617) 441-3072
Subhankar Mukhopadhyay
#22 |
Laura F Mullin, age 53
Peter T Mullin, age 53
Marie Ndiaye
(617) 945-5182
Barbara Ruth Nielsen
#19 |
(415) 925-9537 |
Donald S Ohara, age 90
(617) 354-2054
Burcu Ozdemir, age 49
(617) 864-6872
Anna F Ozonoff, age 45
#28 |
(617) 547-1611
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Antonia R Teixeira, age 44
(617) 547-1611
Augusto C Teixeira, age 67
(617) 547-1611
Rosa E Teixeira, age 64
(617) 547-1611
Judy Park, age 54
(617) 491-8452
Rita R Perlingeiro
#6 |
Emilie Picard, age 44
#9 |
(617) 714-5727
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Allison L Poirot, age 44
Hope Potter, age 53
Margaret J Profet
#20 |
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Margie Profet
(617) 441-2196
Lynn K Prowitt, age 59
Mary Quay, age 80
#16 |
(617) 549-1917
Occupation: Production Occupations
Faisal A Quraishi, age 52
#10 |
(617) 520-9549
Occupation: Production Occupations
A L Vogel |
(617) 520-9549
Nandan Ramaswamy, age 46
#18 |
E Randall |
(617) 491-5729
Leslie Rempel
(617) 868-3002
Jesse M Rideout, age 52
(617) 868-6861
Leslie Rimpel
Arthur E Robbins
M Rubio |
(617) 491-0242
Mike Rusinak
#29 |
(617) 942-1327
C Sahler |
(617) 547-3981
Catherine A Sahler, age 46
(617) 547-3981
Olva Sahler
#18 |
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Phylis Savari, age 55
Melissa J Schettini, age 50
Kornel I Schoenstein, age 74
#8 |
(617) 491-3165
Minha K Sheikh, age 51
Allen C Shu, age 52
(617) 876-3363
Jerry Shu, age 65
(617) 876-3363
Corey S Simmermon, age 75
Melissa Small, age 44
#17 |
(857) 753-4253
Lisa J Spratt
(617) 354-9037
Meaghan Sullivan
#21 |
Occupation: Farming-Forestry Occupation
Curtis Teixeira
(617) 549-2090
Occupation: Farming-Forestry Occupation
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Jessica Templin
(617) 945-2067
Curtis C Texeira
Joseph K Tito, age 50
(617) 354-8097
L M Viarengo, age 56 |
Mikkii Waddy
(617) 441-9703
Patricia L Waddy, age 65
(617) 441-9703
Patty L Waddy, age 65
Laura G Wayth, age 53
Jessica Welshons
(617) 491-0644
Christine C Wilkins, age 58
Leah N Williams, age 50
(617) 547-5466
Michelle Wilson, age 40
#32 |
A Yoshikawa |
(617) 864-3270
M Zanasi |
(617) 492-7968
K Zawisza |
(617) 497-4539