
13 Carlson Rd Framingham, MA 01702-4149

Visit 13 Carlson Rd in Framingham, MA, 01702-4149

This profile includes property assessor report information, real estate records and a complete residency history.

We have include the current owner’s name and phone number to help you find the right person and learn more.

Recent residents


Fire Incidents History

06 Apr 2005 Brush, or brush and grass mixture fire
Property Use: Graded and cared-for plots of land
Actions Taken: Extinguish
Area of Origin: Wildland, woods
First Ignition: Light vegetation - not crop, including grass
Heat Source: Cigarette lighter
Factors Contributing to Ignition: Playing with heat source
Human Factors: Age was a factor

Incidents registered in Federal Emergency Management Agency

12 Jun 2005 Dumpster or other outside trash receptacle fire
Property Use: Vehicle parking area
Actions Taken: Extinguish
27 Mar 2005 Arcing, shorted electrical equipment
Property Use: Multifamily dwellings
Actions Taken: Investigate