Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Jorn Aas
(617) 267-5174
Christine K Andres, age 46
Miklos Antal
#5 |
Ivan P Bacic, age 51
(617) 536-2285
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Frank Baehner
#5 |
(617) 536-3430
Occupation: Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Rajeev Bais
(617) 719-2511
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Marco Baldassare
Julie A Banks, age 55
(617) 867-0363
Paul P Tagley
(617) 867-0363
Sridhar V Basavaraju
(617) 536-8139
Momtaz Begum, age 69
Isreal Marie Ben, age 60
#24 |
(973) 571-1188 |
Karina G Bercan, age 29
#21 |
Rahul G Bhat, age 65
#25 |
(617) 262-6104
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Merideth Bigler
(617) 262-0279
Samuel J Boone-Lutz
Joan M Botelho, age 56
#2 |
Carolyn A Branagan, age 48
(617) 267-5993
Edward A Branagan, age 48
(617) 267-5993
Jessica L Bresson, age 65
#22 |
Lindsey Brickle, age 65
(617) 421-8610
Tracey A Burrell, age 62
(617) 262-2501
Hengwu Cai
(617) 247-3274
Melissa J Callanan, age 43
Daniel S Caplivski
Patrick M Capozzi, age 65
Steven Carey, age 65
R Cashman |
(617) 424-0640
Yelena Chigirinskaya, age 65
(617) 262-0170
Kristen R Ciccolini, age 37
#A |
E Clifton |
(617) 670-1720
Jessica Hild Collins, age 52
#1 |
Timothy F Collins
Maureen Cully, age 51
Ankur Dalia
#B |
Dana C Dolinoy, age 49
(617) 375-6132
Occupation: Private Household Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Cara Leslie Dong
#25 |
(778) 409-1997 |
Sarah Dowdy
(617) 262-1656
Maureen J Dyer, age 58
Arleen G Emanuels, age 61
(617) 266-0973
Mark David Feldman
Robert Arthur Fiske, age 68
(617) 267-5217
Robt A Fiske, age 68
(617) 267-5217
Yvonne C Freitas, age 65
Erica N French, age 48
#F |
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Andrew M Fuqua, age 59
(617) 425-0140
Denise M Gaudet
#32 |
(617) 536-3837
Jessica Glick
Alisa Suzuki Han
#F |
Ryan Hannold, age 42
(617) 262-4983
Christopher H Hashikawa, age 47
(617) 670-2410
Sarah Hashikawa, age 45
(617) 670-2410
Daniel Henn
#A |
(857) 350-4128
Joaquin Herrera, age 65
(617) 262-3186
Jessica Allen Hild, age 65
#1 |
Thomas M Himbergen, age 48
#21 |
Lane Hoffman Hoffman
#23 |
Fiona Holland
#41 |
Tommy Holmes
#44 |
(617) 719-8980
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Zhenjun Hu, age 56
Kyungwon Huh
(617) 671-1960
Jessica D Humphrey, age 47
#31 |
(617) 450-9750
Kelly Jarvis
Deborah Kang
#42 |
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Meral Karakoc
#36 |
Natasha Karim, age 41
#34 |
Occupation: Financial Professional
Michelle Kassen, age 79
(617) 859-8227
Shalem V Kaufer, age 47
(617) 266-6724
Sean Kelleher
(857) 991-1665
Jae Kim
#42 |
(617) 948-1468
Occupation: Farming-Forestry Occupation
Education: Associate degree or higher
Amanda A Kitchens
#2 |
(617) 510-3568
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Jessica Konter
(617) 753-4373
K E Kostka, age 51 |
Krystyna E Kostka, age 51
(617) 859-9720
Craig L Krigsman, age 55
Michelle M Kulakowski, age 65
Nicole S Lauritsen, age 43
#D |
Henry P Lauwers
(781) 328-0956
Jensen M Leathers, age 73
#33 |
(617) 267-3244
Carianne Levenson, age 54
#4 |
(508) 651-4999
Norman A Levenson
Zheng Lin, age 48
Eva T Liner
#36 |
Erica Linnell
(617) 719-9393
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Daniel Lopez
#44 |
Jessica Joan Lynn, age 60
Beata Madziar
(617) 733-1854
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Loretta Malta
(617) 247-3624
Syed A Mansur, age 65
(617) 267-5950
John R Marco, age 42
#E |
Jeffrey C Martin, age 45
(617) 670-2291
Allison E Mcdonough
Cameron Mcdonough
(617) 266-6279
Joel Vendette, age 50
(617) 266-6279
Maria Mirotsou
#35 |
(617) 733-2984
Occupation: Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Beth E Molnar, age 59
Wendy Morrissette, age 53
T Moulton, age 79 |
(617) 578-9846
Theresa A Moulton, age 57
(617) 578-9846
Stephen W Murphy
(515) 279-3069 |
Patrick Myers
(617) 262-8026
Alexandria Petrusich
(617) 262-8026
Peter F Noone, age 78
#3 |
(617) 266-5438
A L Norman |
Dave Norris
(617) 733-1913
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Davy Norris
(617) 262-7044
Defence Ozturk, age 65
(617) 670-2416
Deniz Ozturk, age 45
(617) 670-2416
Emilio Parisini
#23 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Yvan Pearson
(617) 670-2175
Margaret A Peterson, age 59
Clement H Porter, age 101
Carla Prata
(617) 670-1747
Patricia A Ramaley, age 52
(617) 670-1986
Leah-Mari Richards
(617) 948-3000
Linda K Robinson
(585) 372-1819 |
Michele Marie Rozek
#35 |
(617) 536-7915
Christopher P Ruisi, age 65
(617) 670-2592
Susan Rzepka
(617) 670-1380
Emily P Schwab, age 48
Brian D Senn, age 65
(617) 578-0221
Carrie Sheppard
#4 |
Can Shi, age 65
M Sikander |
J Singer |
(617) 670-2158
Andrew D Skola, age 53
(617) 859-8127
Kathryn T Skola
Katie Skola, age 48
Sivan Soffer
(617) 859-9699
James P Spitzer, age 58
Aneta Sroka
Christophe J Stansfield, age 54
#41 |
(617) 267-7276
Christopher J Stansfield, age 54
#41 |
(617) 267-7276
Cheryl Stober
Marc L Stober, age 50
(617) 262-1019
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Ariel J Strauss, age 49
Enid L Strauss
Kevin A Strauss
#43 |
(717) 464-7190 |
Sarah G Strauss
David A Tanner, age 63
#36 |
(617) 437-0440
Dominique J Tibbs, age 35
#31 |
Vasiliki L Tibbs, age 54
#31 |
John Tischer
(617) 670-0562
Mark Tracy
#25 |
Jennifer J Trowbridge, age 45
#22 |
Marketa Vandenelzen, age 65
#43 |
(617) 267-2152
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Peter Vandenelzen, age 65
#43 |
(617) 267-2152
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Ludmila Vavrick
Sarah Walker, age 65
#44 |
Nicole Wallace, age 47
#45 |
(617) 670-1630
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
K Wendling |
(617) 266-5398
J Werbel |
James H Wigglesworth, age 62
#32 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Sheila A Wigglesworth, age 57
#32 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Tim Wiley
(617) 262-5070
Anisha R Wolford
#B |
Arthur C Wu, age 65
#33 |
Alison Yeardley
(617) 948-0012
Shu Ying
#4 |
Winnie W Yu, age 56