Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Lauren Abrey
(617) 859-0255
I Takizawa |
(617) 859-0255
Izzeldin Abuelaish, age 70
(617) 262-0680
Rodolfo Acuna
Dianne J Addei, age 59
Myriam C Afeiche, age 41
#122 |
E K Ajayi-Obe, age 63 |
D Anghesom |
(617) 867-7881
S Araki |
(617) 424-0980
Soraya Azmi
(617) 721-8919
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Asma Balal, age 52
Sharrelle Barber
#134 |
Education: High school graduate or higher
Bob Bates, age 69
#34 |
(617) 791-8140
Ntuthuko M Bhengu
Carolyn M Blanc, age 54
(617) 247-8702
Germaine Blanc
Claudia C Bonilla, age 52
#133 |
Felicia Browne, age 41
#142 |
(919) 381-5050 |
Rowena Cabigon
#115 |
(617) 262-8917
Danilo Mercado
#115 |
(617) 262-8917
Dirk A Calcoen, age 55
Stuart Carney
(617) 719-4997
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Rofario Cartagena
(617) 587-1732
Ramon Castano
(617) 859-9704
Adrien Chan
(617) 719-4473
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Sophia Chan
(617) 719-4562
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial
Education: Associate degree or higher
T Chang, age 56 |
(617) 859-4505
Jyotsna G Changrani, age 52
A Chatterjee |
(617) 267-3623
Anirban Chatterjee
(617) 719-5169
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Weiching Cheng
(617) 719-4725
Occupation: Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Nanlin L Chiang, age 54
P Chiang |
Jingwo Chiu
(617) 267-0479
Tsai F Chuan, age 50
#24 |
(617) 731-4014
Gary Cochran
(617) 719-3422
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Brent L Crabtree
#134 |
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Soumen Das De
Elijah Dixon
(617) 721-9258
Occupation: Technicians and Related Support Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Helen Doan
#113 |
(617) 823-7390
K Dogherty |
Alexander Eichelburg
Thomas R Eng
Karla K English, age 50
G Eysenbach |
(617) 437-7573
Anu Falusi
(617) 719-6204
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Laura Ferguson, age 65
(617) 266-2205
Christian G Fung, age 73
#146 |
(617) 247-7185
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
C Giamberardino |
(617) 267-6589
Maria Grau
(617) 267-6589
Heidi T Glunz, age 55
(617) 733-0101
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
E Goncharova |
(617) 437-9210
Ekagerina Goncharova
(617) 721-9795
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Aya Goto, age 54
Archana Goyal
(617) 247-6578
Anil K Gumber
#3 |
(617) 437-0888
Tarun Gupta
(617) 578-0398
Shuichiro Hayashi, age 65
(617) 247-0354
Rajneesh Hazarika
(617) 733-0379
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Fuchang Chang Cheng Hu, age 66
(718) 842-6289 |
Shue J Huang
Gladwin Hui
(617) 262-0761
Vinu Ilakkuvan, age 65
M Iqbal |
(617) 536-2188
Antonio Irurita
(617) 536-7464
John Jarrell
(617) 247-3772
Farouk S Jiwa
(617) 719-8449
Occupation: Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
S Jun |
(617) 859-3860
Uwa Kalu
(617) 719-7063
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Eun M Kim, age 57
#124 |
A Kirby |
(617) 236-7928
Annamaria Kilosara Kiure, age 57
#4 |
(617) 536-8412
Arata Kochi, age 76
Vijay Koka, age 51
N Komar |
Jeanne Kuo
(617) 424-0288
Alain Lesage
(617) 267-8993
Fereen Liew
#112 |
Wan Liew
#112 |
L Lim |
(617) 262-1917
Mei F Liu
(617) 266-8468
Tongyu Liu, age 55
(617) 266-8468
Wei Liu
#134 |
Marlene Llopiz
(617) 266-9687
Amy C Lu
#141 |
(617) 247-3034
Chiachen Lu
(617) 536-5747
Dat Mac, age 51
(617) 867-0831
Sonia S Mathews, age 49
Nikolay Matveev
(617) 375-5727
Shatira Mayes
(617) 267-3626
Patrick P Miles, age 63
(617) 267-0969
Patricia Ann Moran, age 53
(617) 424-6586
Sheldon Morris
(617) 733-2679
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Rami Mouded, age 55
Juliet Munakata, age 52
(617) 267-5025
Raymond T Narh, age 57
(617) 927-9558
Ogugua N Ndili
(617) 267-0779
Issac J Newton
#22 |
Ha Nguyen, age 54
(617) 266-4653
K Nomura |
(617) 536-8652
Tonya Nyagiro, age 56
#42 |
(617) 262-4060
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Olugbenga O Obasanjo
Josephine Ocran, age 54
#113 |
(919) 267-5095 |
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
Kyungwon Oh
(617) 437-7157
Kelchi Ohiri
(617) 247-0690
Kelechi Ohiri
#114 |
(617) 733-2477
Occupation: Production Occupations
Uzoma Chioma Okoli
Roger B Olade
(617) 536-3084
Occupation: Technicians and Related Support Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Jacob B Oni, age 65
(617) 267-5956
Kohei Onozaki
(617) 262-5698
Jenny Jashin Pao, age 51
#45 |
(617) 236-7737
Joy J Pao, age 51
#45 |
(617) 236-7737
Ramin Parsa-Parsi
(617) 578-9175
Carl W Patten, age 52
Jenny Marie Patten, age 40
Monica Rivera
#114 |
Aeisha Robb
(617) 266-0611
Deirdre A Rogers
#4 |
(617) 262-4981
Pablo Ruiz
(617) 236-5616
Eduardo J Sabate, age 61
Masami Sakoi
(617) 247-6590
B Sanchez |
(617) 247-3689
Malabika Sarker
(617) 859-0974
Sheo Shi
(617) 425-4985
Sanghyuk S Shin, age 53
(617) 867-9335
Occupation: Personal Care and Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Sunmi Shin
#41 |
(818) 566-7188 |
Samir Sodha
(617) 247-2781
J Spears |
(617) 437-9186
Rowe C Sridhar
(617) 437-0611
Monica L Stallworth, age 72
(617) 266-6824
Lesley Stevens
(617) 721-1108
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Aravind Sugumar
(617) 721-1402
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Manabu Sumi, age 65
(617) 536-0786
Stephanie Tache, age 53
Esther Tan
#44 |
(617) 859-7959
Yumei Tan
#44 |
(617) 859-7959
Eric Tchetgen
Helen Thai
#113 |
Alan E Thong, age 42
#131 |
Jacqueline Y Tracey, age 63
#34 |
(212) 749-3736 |
Hsing C Tsai
(617) 421-9916
Chien C Tseng
(617) 267-0754
Kafui V Tsikata, age 60
(617) 536-9094
Roberto B Vargas, age 54
(617) 266-7515
Eduardo Villamor
(617) 536-6082
Phuong H Vo
Fabian Waechter, age 65
(617) 859-7276
Jennifer Ward, age 65
S Weerasuriya |
(617) 267-1136
Siromi Weerasuriya
(617) 733-3889
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
H Weng, age 62 |
Noel Wiggins, age 64
Folkman Wong, age 56
Faith Wu, age 65
Jyun Y Yang, age 59
(617) 267-6384
Qing Yao
#42 |
Nadia Zalunardo
(617) 267-5483