Resident Name | Phone | More Info |
Christine M Adams
#41 |
(978) 988-0060
Abigail Allen, age 65
(617) 536-9311
Brian Laniel
(617) 536-9311
Frank Alvarez
#23 |
Occupation: Private Household Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Imelda Ancla, age 65
#12A |
(617) 670-1054
Helga Arsenio
#22 |
Gwendolyn M Aulisio, age 53
#5 |
(617) 670-9466
Joseph J Azevedo
#35 |
(617) 859-8928
Cardenas Joe Veronica
#35 |
(617) 859-8928
C W Baker |
(617) 247-4240
Eledryth L Barton
(617) 262-1973
Brian C Bieler, age 76
#26 |
Jamil H Bitar, age 46
#28 |
(617) 262-7573
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Christina Borel, age 43
#15 |
(617) 437-8462
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Heidi Z Boyle
(617) 859-8074
Barbara G Breiding, age 83
(617) 670-9847
Kelly B Bresnehan, age 65
#5 |
(617) 670-1401
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Cynthia A Brockelman, age 50
Julie A Buck, age 66
#28 |
(617) 266-6356
Clorinda A Buenafe, age 54
(617) 437-9617
Corazon A Buenafe, age 85
(617) 437-9617
Anton T Busanic, age 76
Jose Cantero
(617) 262-9799
Alissa A Carlat, age 50
Aurele S Carlat, age 79
Jennifer A Carr
#26 |
(617) 247-4436
Occupation: Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
John Caselli, age 50
Jon Ciraulo
(617) 670-2739
Kelly B Clancy
(617) 536-0736
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Allison H Cohen, age 53
(617) 666-4038
Cindy M Cohen
#6 |
(718) 739-9285 |
Karen E Collinson, age 49
#3 |
(617) 437-6219
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Kathryn Concra
(617) 375-6077
Alexis Dahan
(617) 375-6077
Kevin Connal, age 64
(617) 670-4062
James A Cook, age 46
(617) 424-8869
Elizebeth L Cooley, age 65
(617) 262-7579
Jeff Crete
#27 |
(617) 266-5963
Jeffrey A Crete, age 67
#27 |
(617) 266-5963
Jeffrey M Konrad, age 65
#27 |
(617) 266-5963
Deirdre Crimmins
(617) 247-8317
Amy Crook
(617) 421-1789
Jon Cuppini, age 65
(617) 262-5817
Christopher S Davies, age 56
#29 |
(617) 787-8512
Cherry Delgrasso, age 65
Jenna Demartino, age 38
#B |
Ryan Demasi
#19 |
Occupation: Sales Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Joseph C Demko
(617) 247-2731
Carolyn A Dilts, age 88
#9 |
(617) 266-0550
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
D Dorman |
(617) 375-5816
Denise M Dorman, age 51
Douglas E Dorman
Kevin A Dunn, age 51
(617) 266-3678
Anna B Eley
Brittany Emens
Brooke Emery, age 59
Brian Epstein
(617) 247-2849
E Erk, age 79 |
(617) 262-0425
Artem G Evdokimov, age 50
#39 |
Deborah Files, age 65
(617) 859-8653
Kenneth Findley
(617) 267-9310
Bu P Scherf, age 56
(617) 267-9310
Christina T Fisk, age 74
#36 |
Lisa M Fitzgerald, age 57
#37 |
Benjamin Flam
(617) 670-1313
John H Flannery
Evan L Freuder, age 51
Brady J Frome, age 35
#12 |
Gonzalo Fuenmayor, age 48
(617) 670-1956
A Gabarda |
(617) 536-3890
B Gaffney |
(617) 262-7236
Brian P Gaffney, age 52
(617) 262-7236
Gary L Galvin, age 64
Heather Gangi, age 65
(617) 720-3780
Bonnie L Gauch, age 65
Michelle Georges
#33 |
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
David Giansante
(617) 236-1295
K Gibson |
(617) 267-0892
Kiana Gibson, age 46
#12 |
(617) 578-9042
Occupation: Professional/Technical
Education: High school graduate or higher
Brian Gilday
(617) 266-7044
Deviprasad R Gollapalli
(617) 536-3877
Diego Guimaraes
(617) 236-1256
Jennifer Joan Hawkins, age 49
#20 |
Jenny Hawkins
#22 |
(617) 733-0280
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
David Heiniluoma
(617) 670-3567
Alya H Hidayatallah, age 63
(617) 441-5576
Kentaro Hiraoko
(617) 670-1634
Jennifer D Hockenbery
(617) 492-9732
Harvey W Horn
(617) 267-5109
C Hsu |
(617) 262-2096
Chung H Hsu, age 78
(617) 262-2096
Chin W Hsu, age 65
Jane J Hsu
Adelhei Hui, age 65
(617) 266-7904
K Hui |
Elora Hussain, age 79
(617) 262-9638
Dave Huston, age 51
(617) 421-1225
C Iandoli |
(617) 266-9724
D Iandou |
(617) 266-9724
Derek V Iovieno, age 65
Yongkun Kun Jeon
#44B |
Diane Johnson
(617) 578-0227
Darius Jones
#12 |
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Education: High school graduate or higher
Farrein Kalyani
#36 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Anne Kapp, age 65
Boris Keiserman, age 65
G Kellogg, age 65 |
Gretchen M Kellogg, age 53
#29 |
Diana Kesselschmidt
(617) 670-3975
A Kharkevich |
(617) 670-9796
Alex Kharkevich, age 51
(617) 670-9796
Alexey V Kharkevich, age 51
#38 |
(617) 670-9796
Occupation: Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
Chongha H Kim, age 54
(617) 262-3752
Anne Marie Kling, age 53
#18 |
Erion Krasniqi, age 65
#7 |
Alexa R Krieger
Jean P Labrousse, age 65
(617) 262-7759
Kent Laukhuf, age 65
(617) 536-3250
Allison Lester, age 38
#21 |
Occupation: Clerical/White Collar
Education: Associate degree or higher
Daniel D Lichtstein, age 75
Lilian Lieber
#14 |
Brandee N Mahn
#34 |
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Emile B Makhlouf, age 65
(617) 424-9312
Carmen I Maldonado
#17 |
(617) 267-1274
Edwin Marengo
(617) 670-2457
A Marzialo |
David Bruce Mclean, age 47
#20 |
David Bruce Mclean, age 49
#28 |
K Melia |
(617) 267-4635
Alexis A Molloy
#2 |
(617) 266-7634
Occupation: Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers, and Laborers Occupations
Education: Graduate or professional degree
Jesse John Monkman, age 50
Greg D Morrow
#24 |
(617) 247-6716
Gregory D Morrow, age 50
#24 |
(617) 247-6716
Occupation: Precision Production Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Kerri A Mowen, age 65
(617) 424-1588
Chrissy Muller, age 41
#23 |
Gloria Newman
(617) 859-4618
Georg Nollert
(617) 437-1618
George Nollert, age 65
Jacob C Norfleet
Christopher Nunn
#42 |
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
J Scott Oberacker |
(617) 266-0073
James M Oberacker, age 53
#2 |
(508) 420-1316
John S Oberacker, age 65
Kamerine Obie
#17 |
Jecennia C Orellana, age 65
Hellen M Papavizas, age 56
(617) 262-3252
A Park |
(617) 578-9014
Amanda Beth Partch, age 40
#44 |
Kendra Perry
#43 |
(617) 733-3723
Occupation: Protective Service Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Chasa Petroski
Akos P Plesovszki, age 65
#8 |
(617) 247-5366
Occupation: Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations
Cheryl A Pollock
#E |
(617) 262-1019
Harold P Pollock
#E |
(617) 262-1019
Patricia P Poras
#351 |
K L Pyle |
(617) 266-5055
Colin Rego
(617) 262-9833
Charlen Repique, age 65
Eduardo Robles
Ann M Rosen
(617) 733-3543
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Jeffrey A Ruell, age 65
#24 |
(617) 867-9610
Occupation: Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations
Derek Sanchez
#41 |
E Schairer |
(617) 267-9883
Elizabeth A Schairer, age 45
#42 |
(617) 721-0974
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Christina U Schlueter, age 38
#S |
(617) 267-1141
Julie Seager
(617) 247-8003
Julie C Zeravica, age 53
(617) 247-8003
Hemalatha G Seshadri, age 52
Aniket Shahane, age 65
Blanca Shahane, age 65
Brittnee M Siemon
Annmarie Marie Stanley, age 87
#32 |
Chris Stanton, age 65
Kelly Stearn
(617) 536-0567
Clinton Stefan, age 65
#20 |
Kathryn Stewart, age 65
(617) 247-6529
G Stotelmyer |
Jennifer E Stotelmyer, age 50
(617) 670-1008
Luanne Stovall
#30 |
(617) 721-1105
Occupation: Service Occupations
Education: Bachelor's degree or higher
Bernard Strickland
Anthony Suarez
#6 |
Occupation: Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Cortino Sukotjo
(617) 721-1416
Occupation: Production Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Heather N Sullivan, age 49
#B |
Occupation: Construction and Extraction Occupations
Kim Tarnofsky, age 65
Janine A Tatro, age 69
#6 |
Joshua Taylor
#25 |
Occupation: Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors Occupations
Education: Associate degree or higher
Frank Tender, age 65
Carl P Timcke, age 59
Brian C Toolan, age 61
#15 |
(617) 437-6796
Catherine Trifilo, age 65
(617) 867-0660
Cathy Trifilo, age 65
Julie Truong
#3 |
Huang C Tseng, age 65
Huangchun Tseng
Jane Tseng
Johanna Renzi Twyman
David Charles Veselka, age 76
#16 |
J Vilaga, age 65 |
Andrew V Warner
#34 |
Colin D Weeks, age 44
(617) 670-1997
Feng Xiang, age 44
Gason Yerma, age 65
Dongku E Yi
(617) 421-1632
Jeanette Yuen
(617) 670-0718
Vladimir Zeravica, age 59
#1 |
Occupation: Professional/Technical